July 5, 2013

Lots of people are against the use of credit cards. They say it leads to overspending, late fees, and overwhelming interest payments. I understand their point of view. They make valid points. On the other hand, there are proven advantages to using credit cards – advantages you wouldn’t get by paying with cash. The biggest one is the rewards you earn, such as cash back, points, and airline miles. That’s why I’m a firm believer that credit cards are a... Read more

June 28, 2013

For Christians, this can be a delicate issue. When is it okay to file for bankruptcy? It’s not a legal situation we should ever enter into lightly, but are there times when there’s simply no other choice? The Bible makes it clear that we are to pay our obligations; the passage below implies that there will even be consequences if we don‘t: Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; if you lack the means... Read more

June 21, 2013

When you see or hear the word “obedience,” what picture comes to your mind? Do you think about the relationship between a child and a parent? An employee and a boss? Student and teacher? Do you see this obedience done with a spirit of willingness? Or is it done grudgingly? I’m sure there are many instances when obedience is done happily. But in my experience, obedience is more often done with a spirit of hesitancy. More specifically, I’m referring to us ourselves... Read more

June 14, 2013

Each of us face problems and at times they can seem overwhelming. Whether they relate to health, career, finances, relationships, or any other area of life, it can often seem as if our problems are running over us. We may even feel that the situation is completely hopeless and that we’ll never recover from it. These are the exact times when our faith must be the greatest. If God is the creator of all things, it follows that He is... Read more

June 5, 2013

When it comes to keeping track of your financial accounts as well as your net worth, using online money management software may not be your best choice. Sure, there are benefits to using sites like Mint and Yodlee.com – the greatest likely being automatic updates to your balances. Still, these sites aren’t perfect. There are drawbacks to using them – which is why I stopped. Instead, now I track my net worth using a simple Excel spreadsheet that I update monthly.... Read more

May 29, 2013

When looking for a job, most candidates try to go through “the front door.” Those are the traditional job hunting methods people use – blasting out resumes to hundreds of employers, applying “online” to hundreds more, or working with a job search firm. But many are disappointed when these attempts fail. Logically, since you are playing the numbers game – applying to literally hundreds of employers in a short space of time – these attempts should get you plenty of... Read more

May 22, 2013

You know about the ABCs. They represent the basics of any subject that you must master in order to move forward in that subject. Without the ABCs, you won’t succeed. Did you know that when it comes to your investing, there are ABCs as well? In other words, if you don’t have a firm grasp on the following basics, you will fail. Are you ready for them? Let’s dig in. Asset Allocation The “A” stands for asset allocation. This refers to how you split... Read more

May 10, 2013

When it comes to money and financial success, most of us tend to focus on having a solid plan that will move us forward. But it’s at least as important to avoid financial mistakes as it is to have plans to improve your finances. In a way, you win by default simply by avoiding mistakes. Here are five of the biggest financial mistakes to avoid. 1. Adopting a rich lifestyle early in life. Probably the biggest obstacle to financial success... Read more

May 1, 2013

Building an emergency fund is one thing; keeping it intact and fully funded is quite another. There are a number of reasons why this is a problem. Overusing your emergency fund is one of the biggest. There are challenges that come with an emergency fund, and you’ll have to be resolute in your decision and efforts to keep it intact. Here’s how . . . . 1. Draw a sharp line between real emergencies and imagined ones. Overusing your emergency... Read more

April 24, 2013

One of the best ways to motivate yourself to achieve a difficult goal – like paying off your mortgage – is by visualizing what you will do once you accomplish it. Here are some possibilities that can make paying off your mortgage early even more desirable than simply eliminating a very large debt. 1. Celebrate! Yes, celebrate. In this day and time of revolving debt – including revolving mortgages – relatively few people ever actually pay off their mortgages. Most... Read more

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