
Welcome! My name is Lindsey Paris-Lopez, and I am a writer, theologian, and aspiring peacemaker, as well as a happy wife and a proud mother of two. I have a Master of the Arts in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations from Hartford International University for Religion and Peace (formerly Hartford Seminary). Previously, I was Resident Theologian for the Raven Foundation, a co-author for the Patheos blog Teaching Nonviolent Atonement, and a cohost of the Jesus Unmasked podcast. As the daughter of a Christian and an atheist, I never took faith for granted, but grew up wondering, questioning, doubting, and seeking. I struggled to reconcile faith with science, and I struggled even harder to reconcile the love I saw in Jesus with the horrific violence attributed to God in scripture. I sought answers within and beyond Christianity. Ultimately, I have come to see the violence in scripture not as divine, but as the human deification of violence. Violence is human. God is Love. I believe that when we put our faith in Love, we can begin to rebuild our beautiful, broken world. I believe that religious understandings, including atheism and agnosticism, are love languages, and that when we learn to listen and dialogue with humility and respect, we can bridge divides and heal wounds. And I believe that love is calling all of us to become the Beloved Community.