March 21, 2013

Sadly, the National Review has taken leave of the remains its senses and published a rambling essay on the need to overturn Humanae Vitae by Conrad Black, who, besides being Sirius’ older, less Catholic, and more sesquipedalian brother, would appear to be leaning on his extensive experience as a biographer of dead presidents (FDR, and Tricky Dick) as evidence of his authority  to lecture the Church on contraception.  Well, why the hell not?  Everybody else is doing it. Why shouldn’t an... Read more

March 21, 2013

If you haven’t seen it, please watch this video of an 11yo girl’s testimony to the Minnesota State Legislature asking them the single most important question in the debate about gay marriage.  Typical for politicians, they cowardly fail to answer her question and then move to take the gay marriage bill to the next step.   But the moment is priceless nevertheless. What this whole debate has really illustrated for me is that children have absolutely no rights whatsoever.   They are... Read more

March 20, 2013

Everyone comes to marriage with illusions about love and how things will be and we all learn that the truth is…different than we expected.  Sometimes it’s better, sometimes worse, but its always different.  Today, reflect on some of the things you’ve learned about love since you were married.  Make a list together of the ways you’ve helped each other grow through good times and bad. For the next 40 days, M2L will offer a tip-a-day for improving your marriage. For more... Read more

March 20, 2013

Trust.  Mystical Theology tells us that that path to unioin with God evolves through three phases;  the purgative way (in which we overcome our sin and neurotic comfort-seeking), the illuminative way (in which we grow in virtue, zeal for service, and knowledge of God), and the unitive way (in which we experience spousal union with God).  Along that path, we are told, we should see the lessening of anxiety and the increase in trust and peace. How anxious are you?  ... Read more

March 20, 2013

According to a new study, the virtue of conscientiousness is the only personality trait out of the five building blocks of personality (i.e., openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism)  that is positively correlated with academic success.  The higher a person’s score on tests of conscientiousness, the higher that person’s GPA is likely to be. It isn’t enough to just sit on kids to make them do their homework.  The Church teaches that families are schools of love and virtue... Read more

March 20, 2013

Today on More2Life Radio:   When Love is not Enough–We’ll look at what it really takes to have a great marriage.  It may not be what you think!   We’ll explore some of the lies people believe about love, discuss what love really involves, and identify the habits couples need to cultivate to keep love going strong.  Call in with your questions about love and marriage from Noon-1pm E/11am-Noon C at 877-573-7825. Don’t forget to respond to our M2L Facebook Question of... Read more

March 19, 2013

So says CNN. Who knew Fred Schneider and the gang were still that popular over there?  Good for them. Read more

March 19, 2013

Today is the feast of St Joseph who, among other things, is the Patron of Workers.  Today celebrate his feast in your marriage by surprising your spouse and doing one of the jobs around the house you usually leave for your spouse.  Change that lightbulb.  Clean up the kitchen.  Bathe the baby.   Give the gift of service to your spouse by doing something you wouldn’t usually consider “your job.”  It’s a great way to both serve each other a little... Read more

March 19, 2013

In his homily for his installation, Pope Francis reflected on the “vocation of protector”  so ably modelled by St. Joseph, who’s feast we celebrate today.  In his comments, Pope Francis made some surprising and important comments on the importance of developing emotional control and how our ability to be good stewards of our emotions directly affects our ability to be the protectors of one another God calls us to be. But to be “protectors”, we also have to keep watch... Read more

March 19, 2013

A new study finds that 1 in 7 moms experience post-partum depression, many of whom are not identified with traditional screening.  Being a new mom is a tough job.  If you aren’t feeling what you think you think you should toward your baby, yourself, or your life, don’t hide it.  Talk to your doctor or a counselor.  Seeking help doesn’t mean you’re crazy or a bad mom.  Transitions to new states in life are always difficult–especially transitions that involve wildly... Read more

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