Christian supporters of convicted felon Donald Trump are wrong. They are wrong just like tens of millions of Christians before them also were wrong.
The first Christians were wrong when they said that only Jews could follow Jesus.
Christians were wrong when they wanted Christianity as the official religion of Rome.
Christians were wrong when they murdered Jews across Europe during the Middle Ages.
Christians were wrong when they murdered tens of thousands of Muslims during the Crusades.
Christians were wrong when they murdered Protestants.
Christians were wrong when they murdered Catholics.
Christians were wrong when they murdered women accused of witchcraft.
Christians were wrong when they defended slavery.
Christians were wrong when they murdered tens of millions of Jews in Nazi Germany.
Christians were wrong when they supported segregation across the United States.
Christians are wrong when they shun or reject people because of skin color or sexual orientation.
Christians are wrong when they want Christianity as the official religion of the United States.
Christians are wrong when they support Trump, the most profane, godless man ever to hold national office.
There has always been division among Christians, starting with James and John asking to be elevated to positions of glory ahead of the other ten. There were disagreements and conflict among the other apostles as they jostled for position and bickered over who among them was the best.
Early Church history in the Acts of the Apostles shows us the different ways different Christians found to follow Jesus.
Division is okay. Disagreements and misunderstandings happen and should be accepted with charity and compassion, not anger and bitterness. Hope; not hostility.
For 2,000 years some Christians have been wrong about different issues. Perhaps misguided in their sincerity, but on the wrong side of history.
History is clear, when Christians support non-Christians and unchristian policies they move away from the will of God and people suffer.
Christians who drowned witches or marched children into murder chambers were wrong; Not a misunderstanding about scripture or doctrinal differences, but wrong.
Today, Christian Trump supporters are on the wrong side of history when they excuse his felonies and misdemeanors and ignore his profanity and immorality.
There never has been and never will be a time in the history of Christianity when Christians should support the immorality and illegality of Trump. (If you claim to reject him, but “support his policies,” what kind of Christian are you? The kind that supports destroying families, cutting programs for the poor, and tax breaks so the richest make even more money? Which scripture says any of this is what Jesus would have you do?)
Scripture says that if we speak in the languages of men but don’t have love, we are nothing more than clanging cymbals. Trump is a godless, clanging symbol announcing his immorality and Christians are wrong to support him.
Without faith, hope, and love, Christians are little more than pawns controlled by evil men; empty, banging gongs on the wrong side of history.
The Bible is clear, love is the measure of a Christian and the Christian life. If there is no love, then it isn’t Christian, it’s just people looking for excuses to destroy the lives of others.
Follow this link for Biblical reasons to oppose Trump.
For other articles by Jim, visit:
Five Reasons Christians Should be Pro-choice
The Civil Rights Struggle Continues, so Others May be Free
The Clark Doll Study Documenting the Damage of Segregation
Martin Luther King. Jr. and the Original Black Lives Matter Movement
Pastor Jim Meisner, Jr. is the author of the novel Faith, Hope, and Baseball, available on Amazon, or follow this link to order an autographed copy. He created and manages the Facebook page Faith on the Fringe.