Four years ago, Fox News lied to Americans about the presidential election.
This isn’t an opinion, it’s a documented fact that Fox News intentionally and repeatedly lied about the 2020 presidential election.
Fox News paid $787.5 million to Dominion Voting Systems for knowingly and willfully broadcasting lies.
“Fox has admitted to telling lies about Dominion that caused enormous damage to my company, our employees and our customers,” said Dominion CEO John Poulos.
Despite facing another billion dollar lawsuit because of the lies they broadcast in 2020, Fox News continues to lie to Americans today.
Fox News will lie to the American people again about the results of this year’s election. The company, owned by non-Americans, will continue to monetize lying to Americans because the company’s business model is to exploit viewer’s fears.
When forced to confront facts that pierce the Fox bubble of lies – Joe Biden winning the White House, for example – Fox viewers and on-air personalities melt like newspapers in snow. Reality contradicts the fantasy world they’ve manufactured, and they cling to the fantasies and lies.
Why do Americans continue to believe lies? Why do Americans want to be lied to?
Confirmation bias—they’ve already decided what they want to believe about other people, about democrats, about anything that contradicts their beliefs—and so they latch onto any lie that confirms their beliefs, regardless of the reality.
Of course they believe the lies. They want to believe lies.
“At least he’s not a democrat,” is a common response. But it isn’t an informed or reasonable justification to support a treasonous felon awaiting sentencing and facing additional criminal charges.
History documents that it’s human nature to follow fascists and acquiesce to authoritarians. Dictators can’t rule without sycophants carrying out their demands. Certain personalities want to be told lies, to be manipulated, to be told what to believe, all while wrongly thinking they are intellectually superior.
Lacking in self-reflection, education, or intellectual discernment, they do what they are told, unquestioningly.
Eventually they lose sight of right or wrong or basic morality and millions of people get marched into ovens or dumped into ditches.
Wrong is wrong. Good, moral people don’t change their morality according to the latest object of outrage fed to them by Fox news.
For other articles by Jim, visit:
Five Reasons Christians Should be Pro-choice
Christian Trump Supporters are Wrong
The Clark Doll Study Documenting the Damage of Segregation
The Christian Response to Trump
Pastor Jim Meisner, Jr. is the author of the novel Faith, Hope, and Baseball, available on Amazon, or follow this link to order an autographed copy. He created and manages the Facebook page Faith on the Fringe.