Clearing up the Mystificationalizationalism of FPR

Clearing up the Mystificationalizationalism of FPR June 7, 2009

It has come to my attention that some of our dear readers are somewhat mystified by what we at FPR are doing.  While we are by no means a unified group, approaching texts and problems from a variety of approaches, I think that there are a few things that one must know to properly understand what we are doing.  I invite my fellow bloggers to add any items they feel needs to be said.

In my view, all you have to know, besides Ugaritic, Akkadian, Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Japanese, Chinese (ancient and modern), Greek, Latin, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and some middle-Persian, is the historical critical method (and its critiques), exegetical theory, text criticism, hermeneutics, intertexual theory, gender studies, practice theory, ritual theory, historicism, and the history of each of these disciplines.  Oh, I almost forgot, and Mormon Studies.  It really is not that hard, and meant to be accessible to all!  I hope that clears it up.

And I hope you know I’m poking fun at us for being pedantic, boorish, often too technical, and always completely irrelevant.

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