Mormon Times: Social Justice in the Book of Mormon

Mormon Times: Social Justice in the Book of Mormon March 27, 2010

Yesterday, I presented on Rawlsian social justice themes found in the Book of Mormon at the seventh annual meeting of the Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology. Mormon Times of the Deseret News did an article about me presentation.

The article does a good job of picking up on some of my main points. As a former reporter, I know that these type of presentations are not easy to cover. I would like to thank Michael De Groote for coming to the speech and the article. I was not expecting it.

I would also like to thank Blake Ostler for kindly introducing me. I also received some great comments and questions from Blake, James McLachlan, Ben Huff, and Jennifer Lane.

I will post the paper, including segments not covered at SMPT, here at FPR later this week. Check out the Mormon Times write up for now.

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