LDS Family Services on Same-Sex Attraction in the Church

LDS Family Services on Same-Sex Attraction in the Church October 28, 2010

KUTV 2News in Utah is featuring an interesting story tonight (Thursday) at 10pm. It seems that most of the stories we hear on this issue are built around  people who left the church over same-sex issues. I haven’t seen too many stories  featuring somebody who has chosen to remain with the church. (Ty Mansfield comes to mind.) Here’s the teaser for the report:

“Misty” is a woman in her mid 30’s. She married (in the temple) with kids, and is active in her ward. The story is her personal story of what it’s like to be a believing member of the LDS church and struggle with same-sex attraction.

There are thousand of members of the church like “Misty.” LDS family services estimates there a 4-5 members in each ward that are dealing with same-gender issues. They say most of those are married, with children.

I’ll make sure to update the post afterwards.

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