Mormon Feminism at Patheos

Mormon Feminism at Patheos December 1, 2010

The Mormon Portal at Patheos has an amazing forum on feminism up.

The main article by Kathryn Soper is amazing. This type of analysis is not happening on the blogs. I think that Patheos is providing a great space for such issues.

In addition to Kathryn’s, are responses by a rather impressive list of Mormon Feminists including:

All Else Will Follow by Claudia Bushman

A Tale of Two Women by Rixa Freeze

This Great Social Upheaval by Kristine Haglund

Confident and Proactive by Neylan McBaine

A Source of Social Capital? by Melissa Proctor

And here Kathryn responds.

This collection draws attention to some of the most important issues in Feminism and Mormonism. It also highlights some of the tensions within Mormon feminism. I look forward to taking a closer look.

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