Childlike Dependence for the Days Ahead

Childlike Dependence for the Days Ahead September 19, 2023

There’s a new week ahead and I have some important things to consider for my family. Consequently, I’m led to something special: childlike dependence for the days ahead. This is sometimes challenging because I’m a natural goal-setter, planner, and solution-finder. I can conjure up an agenda for something that needs to be done in minutes flat. But the difficult yet beautiful act of relinquishing control is a must. Allowing God to take the lead in my calendar, lists, and thoughts about the future is my desire. The song in Psalm 131 is a great reminder of the type of rest that I can find in the Lord instead of gripping too tightly to what I believe I can achieve in my own strength.


Psalm 131

A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

Lord, my heart is not proud;
    my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters too great
    or too awesome for me to grasp.
Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
    like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
    Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
now and always.

Childlike Dependence for the Days Ahead – Psalm 131: 1

My daughter and I (2018)

Honestly speaking, my current reality is a constant change of circumstances intertwined with problems. As a result, I sometimes desire to make plans and find solutions right away! Psalm 131: 1 states: I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. The scripture reminds me that I don’t have to overthink or usurp my human power. This does not exempt me from taking accountability for my circumstances. However, the declaration unto the Lord allows me to pause and consider God as the one who is more than strong enough to handle the weight of heavy matters.

My prayer is: “Lord, this is too much for me to handle. I surrender this to you now and ask for clarity for how you want me to be involved. I wait patiently for your response. Lord, I ask that you take on the pressure and urgency. This situation is off of my shoulders and into your hands, Lord. You see beyond what I can see with my own eyes, Lord. It’s in Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.”


Childlike Dependence for the Days Ahead – Psalm 131: 2

My daughter and I (2021)

I may be tempted to panic in the midst of my problems because I’m a human with human emotions. However, Psalm 131: 2 states: Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. The scripture reminds me that there is a way of escape. After pausing and acknowledging God’s power, it’s now time to lean on Him – strategically. Such strategy may include journaling, meditating on the truth of scripture, listening to a sermon or inspiring song, and/or taking a walk (alone) as I offer the heavy stuff to God. I avail myself to the supernatural peace that changes my outlook and human perspective from the inside out.

My prayer is: “Lord, you know everything about me – including my emotions. Lord, you are my way of escape. I ask for the calm and peace that comes from fully trusting you. Lord, you are the one who is able to calm every storm as I remove myself (and others) as the one in control. It’s in Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.”


Childlike Dependence for the Days Ahead – Psalm 131: 3

My daughter and I (2022)

Who says that leaning on God has to be an occasional thing? I can pursue a childlike dependence for the days ahead simply because the Lord desires me to see Him as the one I can turn to on a consistent basis. Psalm 131: 3 states:  O Israel, put your hope in the Lordnow and always. The scripture reminds me that there is a more excellent way of walking with the Lord as I shun self efficacy (without Christ), unhealthy escapism, and naysayers.

My prayer is: “Lord, I thank you for receiving me as your child. Walking with you now and forever is an honor and a privilege and I receive this beautiful gift. Lord, I place my hope in you alone. You are all-powerful, loving, and kind. It’s in Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.”


Other Songs I’m Meditating On

“I Am” by Eddie James

“I Need You” by Eddie James

About Keturah A. Ford
For over 20 years, Keturah has supported the emotional and spiritual well-being of individuals and families existing in grievous times. Using Biblical principles and practical tools, she empowers those who’ve felt a loss of hope + stability in their lives and relationships. It is her prayer that you find your place in the family of God - no matter your relationship status, current circumstances, or past. You can read more about the author here.

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