We can’t imagine how they
did it. Like Francis of Assisi,
giving everything away and
loving everything.
But as the lyrics of a song
are lost in its echo, his vow
of poverty has been sorely
Radically, it was a vow
of emptying, of putting
aside all that is false and
So there is nothing
in the way.
A Question to Walk With: Describe a pull in you to fill up your life and a pull in you to empty your life. How do these opposing inner moods affect you? Which do you need today?
This is from my book of poems, The Half-Life of Angels.
NOV 30: California Institute of Integral Studies, FREE Live Podcast and Conversation between Mark and faculty member Cindy Shearer about Mark’s new book Surviving Storms, 5-6:30PM PST/8-9:30PM EST, (web link) – ONLINE
DEC 11: Saying Yes to Life! From brokenness to tenderness: A webinar guided by Mark Nepo, Dec 11, 2022 from 1-3pm | 10-12pm EST. In this online webinar, Mark will explore how a life of meaning and love unfolds over time. (web link) – ONLINE
For more info on Mark’s upcoming events, visit: https://marknepo.com/teaching_schedule.php