Back There

Back There December 19, 2022

A quiet light was lifting the

leaves near the edge of our yard.

It reminded us of that moment

after your mother died.


It was early and she had just

passed when the sun slipped

through the blinds across her

face and all the urgency left

the room.


It made her glow like an angel

with a corona on a Renaissance

wall. Her whole life had landed

like the cinder of a meteor that

was filling us with peace.


We were suddenly on the

inside of everything.


The light through the leaves

brought us there again.

We reached across all

we have been through

to touch each other’s

hand briefly.


A Question to Walk With: Describe a loss that returns to you in unexpected ways. Name one unexpected way that the presence of a loved one, now gone, has shown up for you.

This is from my book of poems, The River of Already.

FEB 20-24: Mastery Week: The Call of Your Soul, Weeklong Retreat, The Modern Elder Academy, Mexico, (web link) — IN PERSON

MAY 19-26: Drinking From the River of Light: The Life of Expression, Weeklong Retreat, Global Journeys, Florence Italy, (web link) — IN PERSON

For info on Mark’s upcoming events, visit:


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