St. Joseph Novena Study – Day 9: Happy Death

St. Joseph Novena Study – Day 9: Happy Death March 17, 2024

The Death of Saint Joseph by Carlo Maratta for the Chapel of Saint Joseph, Hofburg of Vienna
The Death of Saint Joseph by Carlo Maratta, 1676 (Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to Day 9 of the St. Joseph Novena Study!

For the last day of our novena, it is fitting that we will reflect on one of the four last things, death. We look to St. Joseph as an example of dying well. Traditionally, Joseph is the patron saint of a happy death because he was able to die with Jesus and Mary at his side.

The list today comes from this day 9 novena reading: DAY 9: PATRON OF A HAPPY DEATH.

Day 9 St. Joseph List

  • Service of Jesus and Mary
  • Accepted death
  • Loving submission to Will of God
  • Hidden life of virtue
  • Confidence
  • Devoted heart
  • Sanctified
  • Received Him
  • Gave Him shelter
  • Clothed, nourished, and consoled Him
  • Sacrificed strength, rest, and life
  • Grace of growing in love
  • Heart filled with love
  • Spirit of resignation to God’s Holy Will
  • Protector
  • Intercessor

Life of Virtue and Accepting Death

Because St. Joseph lived a life full of virtue, he was more able to submit and accept his death.

Looking at this list, we can see how Joseph models so many works of mercy through caring for Jesus. By living a life in service of Jesus and Mary, Joseph prepared himself to have a spirit of resignation and loving submission at the hour of death.

Jesus makes it clear in the gospels that through works of mercy, we are actually caring for Him in others (Mt 25). By doing so, we can be like Joseph and be better prepared for our judgement.

Positive Meaning of Death

Because of Christ, Christian death has a positive meaning: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”(Phil 1:21)

CCC 1010

In yesterday’s Novena study, we reflected on how none of the pains of this world can take away our trust in Christ. Still, the Church encourages us to regularly pray for our time of death.

Praying for Our Hour of Death

The Church encourages us to prepare ourselves for the hour of our death. In the ancient litany of the saints, for instance, she has us pray: “From a sudden and unforeseen death, deliver us, O Lord”; to ask the Mother of God to intercede for us “at the hour of our death” in the Hail Mary; and to entrust ourselves to St. Joseph, the patron of a happy death.

CCC 1014

Praying for Our Death at Night

Another way to pray for our death is by praying night prayer. Every night, around the world, the Church as a whole prays:

Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit” as Christ did at the Cricifixion.

Lord, now you let your servant go in peace, your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of your people.” as Simeon did at the Presentation.

And lastly, “May the Lord grant us a peaceful night and a peaceful death.”

Christian Prayer – Night Prayer

Night prayer helps us to see that each night is a preparation for death. When we fall asleep we let go of our control and entrust our bodies to God.

The Key to a Happy Death

Other than praying and sleeping, how else can we ensure we are ready?

The first way that comes to mind is the sacrament of confession. By having our souls clean from sun, we will be more prepared to die at any moment.

Additionally, Fr. Mike Schmitz has an interesting perspective as a priest who has ministered to the sick and dying in their last hours. His advice to have a happy death is simple, have gratitude for all the time we have had.

St. Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death, Pray for Us!

St. Joseph, be our protector and intercessor throughout our lives. Help us to live like you so that we may have a happy death and eternity in heaven like you. Amen.

About Andrew Laflamme
Andrew is a husband and father with experience as an engineer, musician, and Catholic missionary. You can read more about the author here.
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