Today is the Feast of the Presentation, February 2nd, and I am happy to present this first guest post at Formed by A Flame, written by my brother Normand Laflamme, titled A Light for Revelation.
A Light for Revelation
Simeon rejoices because he has now seen with his own eyes “a light for revelation to the Gentiles.” (Luke 2:32) He has finally set eye on the Light, the one true Light that makes all darkness flee, just as the waters of “the Jordan turned back on its course” (see Psalm 114:3).
Simeon has waited, but now his waiting is done. He can go in peace. He can be put to rest because the Light has come and put all aright: the Sun of Justice. “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it” (John 1:5). “For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible; nothing is secret except to come to light” (Mark 4:22, from the Gospel reading just three days ago).
Jesus is the Light on the Lamp Stand
Jesus is the Light that belongs on a lamp stand (4:21); that is, He belongs atop the highest place in the room of my soul, so as to shine down on and illuminate all that is beneath it and contained therein.
However much we lift Him up in our own lives, that is how much He will touch us: “Take care what you hear. The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you, and still more will be given to you” (4:24). If I give Jesus the highest place in my life, He will enlighten all my life. He will bring light and warmth to every part of my soul because I have exposed every part to His brightness. But, if I put Him under a bushel basket or under the bed, then His Light will touch only the slightest parts of my life (if anything at all). My life will be the confusion of darkness, the coldness of night… for a small while anyway.
This is what the high priest and Pharisees tried to do: They tried to quench the Light of lights, to snuff it out before it could reveal their hearts and the painful truths that lay hidden and buried there. And they thought they had done it! But just as the wick was cut down to nought, the Light was simultaneously placed upon the highest height, atop Golgotha for all to see, atop a bare and barren tree in plain view. And there the Light shone brightest, exposing all that was previously covered up.
The Light of Christ Will Shine Regardless
The Light will shine regardless. Will we take Him up in our own arms willingly, embrace Him like Simeon, and hold Him high for all to see? Will we let Him expose us totally—good and bad––and in so doing, let the Sun of Justice bring order, peace, and warmth to our lives and to those of the people around us? Or will we, like the fearful Herod at Jesus’ infancy and the self-righteous Pharisees at His pinnacle, attempt to blow out the wild flickering candle?
It is no use, of course, trying to hide the Light. It always shines, from and for all eternity.
He will expose all secrets in due time. Soon enough, the bushel basket will be lifted, the veil torn. Hopefully, we, like Simeon, can rejoice with the words of his canticle:
“Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation… a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke 2:29-30, 32).
Thank you to Norm for this awesome reflection!
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