Listening on MLK Day

Listening on MLK Day January 15, 2018

I have been feeling I should post something profound today in honor of MLK, in objection to the President’s “shithole countries” remarks, and in support of human and civil rights for all. These are things I care deeply about.

As a white woman, I have learned that the one of the most profound things I can do is listen and promote the voices of those who are not heard enough. So today, I invite you to read some of the black people who inspire me with their wisdom, their strength, and their perseverance.

The Economic Lessons of Martin Luther King by Dedrick Asante-Muhammad

Jeremy Orr on MLK and Environmentalism in communities of color

Gwendolyn Zoharrah Simmons Interview 

Interview of Congressman John Lewis, civil rights champion

Learn more about Dr. King and his legacy at The King Center

Inside the Gender Jihad, by Amina Wadud


And while he’s Pakistani, not African American, this is a great reflection on Islam and Racism from my fellos Patheos writer, Ejaz Naqvi..


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