I Had Forgotten How Much Fun It Is Being an Artist (Better Than Selling God!)

I Had Forgotten How Much Fun It Is Being an Artist (Better Than Selling God!) February 11, 2014


Picture(Just Sold) Pure Air, Water, Life Oil on canvas  10 x 10

Eight years ago I started to paint again after an almost 30 year gap. Once I had remembered how to hold a brush again I put together a collection of about 40 paintings: Flowers I grow with my grandchildren and what I see out my window of the marsh and river, bay and ocean nearby where Genie and I walk.

I started posting some of the work on Facebook, got  gallery in the Bay Area to start work on preparing for a show for 2015, (to be announced soon) and then opened a virtual online Web gallery of my own.

To my joy 🙂 people have been buying the work. “Thrilled” is too small a word to describe my giddy feeling to be given a second chance as a painter and at connecting with people who are making my paintings part of their lives.I am SO grateful!

Here are a few of the dozen or so works sold so far since the Web site went live a few weeks ago…

One other thing: I am so grateful for the amazing life-changing WEB! Thank you to Facebook, Twitter and the designers of the WEB for changing my life, giving me direct access to people all over the world who like my art. Thanks too to Hal Fickett, my social media guru for dragging me into the 21st. Century! A few years back this would have been literally impossible.

Follow Frank Schaeffer on Twitter: www.twitter.com/frank_schaeffer

See Frank Schaeffer’s paintings HERE!

Follow Frank on Facebook HERE

Frank Schaeffer is a writer and artist. His latest book — And God Said, “Billy! exploring the roots of American religious delusion, and offering another way to approach true spirituality, is on Kindle, iBook and NOOK for $3.99, and in paperback. It spent 8 weeks as Amazon’s #1 best seller for Political Humor.

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