Ironically this authentic vibrant refuge was across the street from the hate factory “church” Mars Hill Church

Ironically this authentic vibrant refuge was across the street from the hate factory “church” Mars Hill Church September 22, 2014
Last night I sang children’s songs with a group of children and adults with Intellectual disability with significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits. In other words: I was in a real church helping outcasts. Ironically this authentic vibrant refuge was across the street from the hate factory “church” Mars Hill Church, that until recently was led by Mark Driscoll.We were gathered at the Open Gathering Church. Some of us were in wheelchairs and electric carts. The service reminded me of the old hymn sings we did back in my childhood at L’Abri Fellowship where next to our chalet was a home for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Open Gathering is an emergent gathering of believers, non-believers, and questioning believers of any and all abilities. Currently looking for people to journey with them. Contact them if interested or curious. Open Gathering has a great vision to help the greater Seattle community. The service I was in was being led by JC Mitchell and his wife who founded this Seattle church. Where Driscoll specialized in telling people that an angry God hates them, pastor Mitchel actually follows Jesus. In other words I worshiped with a homeless family, people in wheelchairs, and children with big problems, in fact all those Jesus reached out to. I was at the Sunday night gathering because I’ve contributed my time to speak at Open Gathering tonight in the church space they are using. Please join me in Seattle tonight, or tell anyone you know to help me support Open Gathering! Monday, September 22at 7:00pm in PDT Open Gathering in conjunction with Bellevue First Congregational Church, 752 108th Ave. NE, will host a forum at 7:00 p.m. with Author Frank Schaeffer, about his new book Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love, create beauty and find peace.
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