Rubio stands out for his religion-broken brain. He converted from Roman Catholicism to Mormonism — then back again. Still, maybe the good old RC isn’t sexy enough for this guy. As Jeffrey Tayler points out in Salon, He two-times Pope Francis by going to a megachurch in Miami Christ Fellowship.
Christ Fellowship is sort of nuts. They do demonology stuff, exorcism, and teach Young Earth creationism. They (sort of like Gordon college, Boston area bastion of gay hate) demand employees certify they’re not “practicing homosexuals.”
Rubio may not know if he’s a Mormon, Catholic or evangelical gay-hating nut. He also confesses that he’s “not a scientist.” So he doesn’t know if evolution is a fact or not. Since he’s not a historian either then I’m guessing that he can’t say for sure if George Washington existed. And since he’s not a woman, maybe he doesn’t know for sure where babies come from.
Rubio does however, know where votes come from: Fox News-watching older white evangelicals who aren’t scientists either.
Rubio says atheists “have a right to not believe in God,” but Rubio has also called God the only “source of all we have,” and, said, “our national motto is ‘In God We Trust,’” reminds us that “faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all.” Thus atheists are not real “Americans.” They can’t even function since Rubio says “You cannot do anything without God,” which he says is “a profound and elemental truth.”
Yet Rubio is just the warm up act. Sen. Ted Cruz chose to announce at Liberty University where they are “training champions for Christ since 1971″– in other words training people to vote Republican.
In 2013, Cruz’a dad, an Evangelical pastor, suggested interring atheists in “encampments” where they would be “free to dance naked around the fire, brand the mark of the Devil on their flesh or whatever else they want to do.”
Cruz’s says gays are waging a jihad . . . in Indiana and Arkansas, and going after people of faith .
During his announcement address, Cruz said he’ll restore a United States brought low under Obama’s not-a-real-American rule by uniting “millions of courageous conservatives” who will rise up “together to say in unison ‘we demand our liberty!’”
So who will these guys take America back from? I’m guessing from women for a start.
Cruz wants to expand the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision that started the new push to use the Religious Freedom Acts (Indiana) to strip women of rights as well as gays. Gays can’t marry, women can’t get contraceptives. (Wheaton.)
Women’s rights are out because Cruz will “uphold the sacrament of marriage” in other words the rights of places like Hobby Lobby and Wheaton College to deny women insurance coverage for contraceptives.
So… Ted Cruz, will you denounce your father for his suggestion that atheists be tossed into camps?
And Rubio, tell us how your membership in a homophobic Christ Fellowship will change our country if you are president?
These guys are acting as if america is already a theocracy.
Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace