WATCH John Oliver’s Best Trump Suggestion Yet! A Hilarious “Open Letter” to Trump

WATCH John Oliver’s Best Trump Suggestion Yet! A Hilarious “Open Letter” to Trump August 22, 2016


Oliver says Trump has 2 options: a “humiliating” and “off-brand” loss to Hillary Clinton, or a “reset”

Oliver told Trump. “If you keep going, you’re going to spend the next 11 weeks ramping up hatred in speeches, injecting poison into the American bloodstream that will take generations to remove, and denying the country the contest of ideas that the presidential campaign should actually be.” And at the end of all that, he said, Trump will either win or lose, both of which will most likely leave him “miserable.”

Oliver then presents Trump with a third option: “Drop out.”



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Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

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