If You Work a Desk Job, It’s Worth Investing in A Chair for Preventing Back Pain

The following is a guest article. Frank Viola did not write it.

woman in black shirt sitting at the table using macbook

It’s easy to see why so many people choose to be office workers. They earn higher salaries, learn something new on a regular basis, and develop communication and interpersonal skills. As the heavy and manufacturing industries shrink, we look forward to more growth and stability as far as office work is concerned. Working in the office environment does come with some disadvantages. Sitting for long periods of time contributes to back pain. The issue is that the body is built to stand and move around throughout the day. Sitting forces the spinal muscles to work harder to maintain balance. The discs in the vertebrae ultimately lose their cushion, and the result is back pain.

The good news is that making ergonomic adjustments to your workstation can reduce physical strain. You shouldn’t buy office furniture just for looks. Put your hard-earned cash into a standing desk and an ergonomic chair. A chair for preventing back pain is essential to a productive and healthy work environment. It’s good for your posture and energy levels. An occasional twinge or ache won’t stop you from giving your best. However, ongoing back pain brings about higher productivity losses. You don’t have to change your career, but do everything possible to break the sitting habit. Spend less time sitting down and more time sitting up.

Sitting Is the New Smoking, According to The Experts

When doctor James Levine first uttered these words, it seemed like a dramatic statement. Only now can we grasp its importance. There’s nothing more dangerous than a chair at work. Extended periods of sitting increase your chances of obesity, back and neck pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression, to name a few. As you can see, the innocent act of sitting isn’t so innocent after all. Indeed, more study is needed on the effects of sitting on health, but it’s obvious that less sitting contributes to better health. The less you sit during the day, the better your chances of living a healthy lifestyle.

It’s estimated that more than 90% of the pressure is applied to the lower back when sitting. Changes to the spine can quickly escalate to acute pain. Rather than pondering about all the ways you’re doing it wrong, you should better make changes to your routine. A standing desk and chair will encourage you to alternate standing and sitting. It’s time to prioritize activities that enhance your health and wellbeing at work. Standing up inbetween your working sessions can mean the difference between a healthy you and a suffering you.If you’ve gone back to the office, talk to your boss about getting a stand-up workstation.

Back Pain Is a Common Complaint Among Office Workers

Desk job workers report experiencing back pain, which can range from sharp and sudden pain to a constant and dull ache. Its effects on the quality of life can be far-reaching. People use more drugs for pain relief and pay more visits to doctors. When working a sedentary office job, its’ likely to experience back pain. If you’re one of these people, you’ve surely noticed aches and pains. Having the right office chair to optimize back health is of the essence. It’s a mistake to use whatever chair is provided in the workplace or, if you’re telecommuting, to use any chair you can find. Having an office chair with a string ergonomic design is of the utmost importance.

A Standing Desk Chair Is a Chair Like No Other

Sitting for five hours a day, five days a week translates into 1,175 hours of sitting every year. To give your legs, ankles, and feet a break, buy a chair that’s comfortable, matches your setup, and fits in your space. You don’t so much sit on the chair as you lean on it, which encourages more movement of the body. An ergonomic office chair has a small footprint, so it’s easier to transport. Assembling a chair for preventing back pain requires minimal effort. What it normally takes to assemble the standing desk chair is to attach the rod to the seat and the base of the chair. If you’re already experiencing back pain from your desk job, don’t waste any more time and invest in a chair that improves your overall wellness.

Most importantly, the chair encourages maximum use of the standing desk. You increase the amount of time spent at an elevated position by alternating between standing, leaning, and sitting. Back pain isn’t something that you have to live with or accept as part of work. If you have a comfy chair with lumbar support, you can prevent and reduce back pain. As you get older, you’re more likely to develop chronic back pain. This is why it’s so important to create an ergonomic workstation. Implementing positive changes can help keep back pain at bay.

Considerations For Choosing a Chair for Preventing Back Pain

The ideal standing desk chair aligns with the height of your desk and can be stored underneath when out of use. A yoga ball can complement your ergonomic chair. Here are some criteria to take into account when considering a chair for preventing back pain:

  • Stability
  • Height adjustment
  • Seat comfort
  • Design
  • Quality
  • Overall value

Everyone is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. When used properly, the standing desk chair maximized back support and helps maintain good posture while sitting. It decompresses the spine, taking the pressure off the neck and lower back. Sitting all day is still sitting all day. Therefore, you should take frequent breaks.

Combining your standing desk with an ergonomic chair is the best thing you can do. Instead of an expensive high-end chair with all the bells and whistles that promotes a sedentary lifestyle, you should better get a chair that supports a leaning, perching position. You’ll feel better in your normal routine. To avoid developing or compounding back problems, it’s paramount to have the right chair. Just buying an ergonomic chair isn’t enough. You need to make the necessary adjustments to your overall setup.

This was a guest article. Frank Viola did not write it.