The Deeper Christian Life

The deeper Christian life. What is it exactly?

The term comes from Andrew Murray’s classic book, The Deeper Christian Life, published in 1895.

This phrase is a reaction to the shallow and superficial state of contemporary Christianity.

The deeper Christian life is what Watchman Nee once called “the normal Christian life.”

A close reading of the New Testament epistles reveals that Jesus Christ is alive and in the Spirit. And He has come to indwell all who follow Him today.

Consequently, some of the themes of the deeper Christian life are:

God’s Eternal Purpose

Living by the Indwelling Life of Christ

Knowing Christ in the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit instead of the flesh

Hearing and following the voice of Jesus

Ministering the life of Christ by the power of the Spirit

The Mystery of God

These themes are hardly ever addressed in contemporary Christianity. And when they are mentioned, the perspective is typically abstract, academic, cerebral — lacking life and power — instead of a practical, experiential perspective.

The most prolific deeper Christian life writers of the 20th century were:

Andrew Murray

A.W. Tozer

T. Austin-Sparks

Watchman Nee

Their writings are still read by millions of Christians who are looking for something deeper.

Other deeper life writers of the last century were Major W. Ian Thomas, Ruth Paxson, Jesse Penn Lewis, F.B. Meyer, Mary McDonough, etc.

In the 21st century, however, Christians has become even more shallow and superficial.

And there’s a dearth of deeper Christian life writers on the planet.

For this reason, my team and I created The Deeper Christian Life Network to equip God’s people on the themes of the higher life today.

The content presented through the network builds on the four key deeper life writers of the past and builds upon them, taking those themes into the challenges of the 21st century.

What follows are some conference messages introducing people to the deeper Christian life.

Rethinking Discipleship

Living by the Indwelling Life of Christ

The Ultimate Issue

Introduction to the Mystery of God

Welcome to the Third Race

The First Relationship

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Eternal Purpose

God’s Favorite Place: Part 1

God’s Favorite Place: Part 2

God’s Favorite Place: Part 3

The Deeper Journey: Part I

The Deeper Journey: Part II

The Deeper Journey: Part III

Living by the Spirit

If God Is For Us

For God So Loved the World vs. Love Not the World

If these talks speak to you, check out The Deeper Christian Life Network.

You may want to join.