Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith August 22, 2012

We long to take the risk out of life because it seems so much safer than riding through the unknown. But when we reduce risk, we reduce opportunity! God’s best for us is never inside our comfort zone.

My son and his beautiful bride will marry on Saturday. After a prolonged flurry of activity, the wedding day is here. And then, a marriage. Observing the preparations, I notice that regardless of how great you are together, marriage is always a leap of faith!

Rob and I were not much different from Chris and Arielle. Married in our twenties, we knew so little, yet we were so full of hope. We threw in our lots together in love and trust, and we brought children into the world!

We had no idea what life held for us — no idea where we’d be in five years, let alone twenty-five years. But we were ready to take it on side-by-side. We never expected to live in so many cities: NY, San Francisco, Columbus, College Station, Phoenix, and The Woodlands. I guess, like most young couples, we expected a fairly straight shot to happily ever after. Instead we went off-road with winding paths of career, new ministries, old ministries, trials, accomplishments, inflicting wounds, healing wounds, searing pain, and exquisite joy!

God reveals and deepens our relationship with Him as we go from event to event, “from faith to faith” [Romans 1:17]. Times that require faith create more faith! The longer we live, the more deeply we know Him, let alone knowing ourselves and each other.

Chris and Arielle will experience their own circuitous path, their own off-road adventure, their own faith to faith–so in twenty-five years, they will know their Savior in ways they couldn’t have known Him otherwise. That is the point of the journey. So I say to them, “Bon Voyage!”

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