Gay Marriage… Are Animals Next?!?

Gay Marriage… Are Animals Next?!? April 29, 2014


“If we change the law to include two people of the same sex, they say, then what will be next? Someone could marry an animal. That is where they go right away. These people scare me. They think we’re weird. ” Ellen DeGeneres

Marriage equality, we’re told, is a “slippery slope to sin.” Have you heard that? Some outspoken religious leaders use that “slippery slope” phrase to say that if we allow gay marriage, who knows what will follow? Oh sure, straight marriage is going to hell in a handbasket — they’ll openly admit that — but if we broaden marriage access to gay marriage, that’s the end. Next thing we know, people will want to marry a family member or an animal.

I have gotten to know a lot of LGBTQ people now – people I like, and respect, and value greatly. And love. They really do fall in love with people and want to get married. Just like straight people!

Not a single person I have ever known of heard about, ever, has wanted to marry an animal. Not a single one. I mean, seriously… come on people. That’s just insane. As Ellen said, They think we’re weird??”

This “slippery slope” is simply a scare tactic. And it’s false.

Here’s the Wikipedia definition of a “slippery slope”:

In logic and critical thinking, a slippery slope is a logical device, but is usually known under its fallacious form in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any rational argument or demonstrable mechanism for the inevitability of the event in question. A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom.

It simply means that it’s a way to scare people into thinking if this happens, that will happen, without proof or even a logical connection. It’s crazy to connect marrying someone of the same gender and marrying your pet dog. Crazy.

It’s fear-based, pure and simple. It’s a way to manipulate your argument so people will go with you. It’s not fair and it’s not nice and it’s not honest.

We need to call people out on it.

“Sex should bring people together but sometimes it really separates them. We have this huge debate going on right now about same-sex marriage. There are people who are against it. There are people who are for it. And the people who are against it say marriage is a union between a man and a woman and it has always been that way and it should always remain that way. If we change the law to include two people of the same sex, they say, then what will be next? Someone could marry an animal. That is where they go right away. These people scare me. They think we’re weird. ” – Ellen DeGeneres

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