Taking Pro-Gay to Seminary! :-)

Taking Pro-Gay to Seminary! :-) August 12, 2014


Guess what? I start seminary next month. Yes, the opportunity came out of the blue — exactly the way God brings opportunities to me. God has led me clearly in this. The knowledge and credentials (Master of Divinity M.Div.) I’ll gain will strengthen FreedHearts – especially in the area of speaking truth to pastors, churches and Christian leaders.

It is a progressive seminary, and I look forward to learning a lot. But I am also excited to share my perspective and point of view – especially on LGBTQ issues.

I’m thrilled! I’ve always wanted to go to seminary. I approached my pastor at 23 years old to say I would like to be a pastor. His response: “Women can’t be pastors.” That was the end of the conversation. No asking what about it appealed to me, what did I want to achieve by going, none of that.

Finally now, after 27 years of marriage and five grown kids, God is whispering, “It’s your turn!” I feel that with every post and book I write, every word I teach, every life and heart I counsel.

I will continue everything with FreedHearts – and there are even new books and expanded speaking opportunities over the next few months. I have a renewed passion and commitment for this work, and I look forward to seeing how seminary enhances that.

I dreamed recently that I lay on the edge of a pool that was way over my head throughout. No shallow end – only deep and deeper! The narrow edge where I lay was inclined so I was in danger of rolling in. I had to ask Rob to take my hand and pulled me up, so I wouldn’t roll in over my head into the pool.

That husband of mine helps me so much. Seriously, FreedHearts would not be possible without Rob planning events, editing, organizing workshops, and everything else that’s on his plate. And sometimes writing beautiful posts.

It’s going to be incredible. I could not have predicted what has happened since our daughter came out four years ago, and since we started FreedHearts last year, so I don’t worry about the future.

I am just doing what God is calling me to do: Speaking my heart, sharing God’s truth, continuing to learn and grow, and following where God leads.

Freeing hearts to love and be loved – by God and others.

What a journey! Thanks for being there with me.

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