7 Reasons Christian Parents Who Reject Their Gay Children Are Being Arrogant

7 Reasons Christian Parents Who Reject Their Gay Children Are Being Arrogant August 9, 2016


4. You believe you are so right you could not possibly be wrong.

I asked a close family member, “Is it possible that you could be wrong about your interpretation of Scripture.” The answer was a clear, “No.”

You proclaim how sure you are as you step over the hurting, beaten, broken, dying bodies of your LGBTQ brothers and sisters to argue theology.

This is no joke.

I’ve been told this directly by pastors and churchgoers alike, who pull out some decontextualized verses, “interpret them,” and then teach theology from them that destroys people’s lives. Immeasurable arrogance.

#5 calls into question how amazing grace really is…

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