Do a Happy Dance! Your Gay Child is NOT Going to Hell!

Do a Happy Dance! Your Gay Child is NOT Going to Hell! April 14, 2014


Karen is from a legalistic, fundamental, literalistic denomination that believes gays are bound for hell. She never questioned it or had to give it any thought personally.

Then her son came out as gay.

In the months since then, she’s found unexpected peace as she is discovering the truth about the Bible and about God’s heart. She has completely embraced her son. She knows he didn’t choose to be gay, nor did their parenting cause it. Those “clobber” verses still trouble her every now and then— she’s afraid that her acceptance might lead her son to hell. (Unfortunately, that is the false teaching out there…)

God keeps telling her to trust, to love her son, to find her peace in the process. She has been doing just that.

Then she found her happy dance! Unexpectedly, she heard something in church that gave her complete peace. Her husband is coming along too. Karen emailed me and said that she is happy for me me share it with you, knowing that plenty of others are fighting this same battle…

So this morning at church the pastor preached on Romans 10:5-13, I especially liked Romans 10:8-13. “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your HEART .” That is the word of faith that we proclaim, because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.  🙂 For with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “everyone who believes in Him will NOT BE PUT TO SHAME”. For there is NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN JEW AND GREEK, FOR THE SAME LORD IS LORD OF ALL, BESTOWING HIS RICHES ON ALL WHO CALL ON HIM. ;0)

The capitalizations and smiley faces are all mine!  🙂  HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

So read this: it says everyone. The parts I loved are: confess, BELIEVE in your heart,  ** not be put to shame.** No distinction….  ALL who call on Him…

I think of my gay son, and all the gay people who love Jesus….. and the gay people who have turned away or have no interest in Jesus because of what they have heard or been told about Christianity… I used to hear that if you were gay, you will be put to shame, you don’t matter to God, he had already turned his back on you….  blah, blah, blah…

Reading stuff posted by folks in the group and on your blog…  I am so starting to see the “gay community” is one that has been so crapped on in so many ways. They are just another group of people.  And they still are treated poorly a lot of times.  WWJD?  He would be hanging out at the gay bars, talking to them, loving them and showing them God’s love…

Things are starting to shift a little inside…  And I love it!

I also loved one of his points:  It is possible for a Christian not to have or lose their assurance of salvation – not they lost their salvation, but they begin to doubt it.  That’s what happened to me, when I thought I was leading my son to hell by loving and accepting him, and maybe myself as well….  I think that’s pretty twisted now.  I DIDN’T LOSE my salvation….  I lost my own assurance of it though…  wow…

He also talked about how salvation involves the mind, intellect and the heart…..  the first 2 matter, but it is a HEART transformation that leads us to salvation…..  and I’ve always loved the Proverb:  Trust in the Lord with all your HEART and lean not on your own understanding (including our understanding of the Bible, our pastor’s understanding, or people who don’t understand…),  in all your ways, acknowledge Him and HE will direct your path.  🙂  I’m not yet there, but I’m going in that direction…  🙂

So that’s it. First time in a long while I enjoyed the sermon instead of just the music. I am also just starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin there, I don’t have to defend myself. Or my son.  I think I can stand up for myself now without feeling guilt or shame for not quite believing everything they believe.

XOXO, Karen


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