July 12, 2014

More today from my Saturday “Jesus Blog” – a word from Jesus to you… Let me show you how to be with God. Exactly as you are. Not how to perform, or how to do – just how to be. Fully loved. At rest. At peace. Let me show you how to be with God. Let me show you how to be. Read more

July 11, 2014

Raj has a tenuous relationship with his mother. She is trying to love him, but her church is so adamant against gays, she has so much fear and so little capacity to discuss it. Their relationship has settled into being somewhat comfortable, and Raj really wants to share his heart and what God is doing, but mom seems to lash out at him whenever he expresses that. “Sometimes when Mom and I are talking,” Raj told me, “I will tell... Read more

July 10, 2014

“Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and you crack that wrist. Man up! Give him a good punch.” – Pastor Sean Harris, Berean Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC Yup, that’ll teach ‘em, especially because nothing says “my son is gay” like a limp wrist. Dennis Leatherman, Pastor at Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church, Oakland, MD used a sermon to talk about his internal struggle with his fleshly temptation to kill gay people.... Read more

July 9, 2014

“Jesus would be the first to toast the happy couple, the first to dance.” Those were my words from a post I did about not missing your gay child’s wedding. Then I got an email. I thought it was worth answering for others here on the blog who may have the same questions. The comments from the reader’s email are in italics and indented – my words are in regular type…. My heart stopped when I read that last sentence [about... Read more

July 7, 2014

“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in the United States is closely connected with this.” Albert Einstein They tried it – tried to ‘shut down sin’ by prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol. It didn’t work. On a... Read more

July 4, 2014

“This one is for the girl who says those voices in her head, never leave her alone. Don’t listen to your teacher, you’re not crazy, just smarter than the rest of them.” At a conference last week, I had the pleasure of meeting the Troubadours of Divine Bliss. Two beautiful, talented women with tender, creative, amazing spirits and hearts, and inspiring, profound music. I thought you might appreciate their cover of the song, Life is Sweet.  Click for the video, and... Read more

July 3, 2014

Oh, not the gays – the church! You’re not going to see many gays in the church until the church cleans up its act. By church, I mean the ‘non-affirming’ church. The church that doesn’t affirm people, but only affirms behavior. Behavior within a certain range is acceptable; other behavior is not. And they get to pick and choose. And by cleaning up its act, I mean moving its focus to loving God and loving others – exactly what Jesus called... Read more

July 2, 2014

My friend just texted me: “I’m causing quite a stir with my meeting with the pastor!” She just met with him to talk about her gay son, whom she supports 100%. She spent a year afraid her son was going to hell – and because she was loving him unconditionally, she was in danger of hell, too. (Isn’t it a sad state of affairs that people threaten hell for the LGBTQ issue?) She and her husband knew their son was... Read more

July 1, 2014

Are you getting a little tired of people pulling out scripture to entrap you, tell you how wrong you are, and tell you to change? I am! I’m tired of people doing it to me, and I’m tired of them doing it to you. Jesus is tired of it too, and I’ll tell you why. Only two parties used scripture as “correction”: the religious leaders and satan. Did you catch that? Only religious leaders and satan used scripture to correct others. I’m not sure... Read more

June 27, 2014

Bring out the heterosexual in you? What?!? Watch this entertaining but terribly unnerving clip from John Stewart about Texas’ renewed commitment to the miserably failed, dangerous and harmful “reparative therapy.” Just click on the photo above to watch. When the clinical psychologist was asked about “trying to get the gay out of people,” he said, “I would rather say we’re trying to bring out the heterosexuality in you.” Seriously? “But that’s the thing they don’t have in them,” John Stewart said. “It’s like... Read more

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