A Beautiful Conversation About Grief

A Beautiful Conversation About Grief November 24, 2024

You may have noticed that I’ve been providing more links to view and listen to recently in my posts than has been my custom, especially since the recent election. There’s a reason for that–I don’t have anything particularly insightful to say these days that isn’t said much more insightfully by others. That’s partly because I’m not anxious to jump into the post-mortem on the recent election, but also because I’m in the middle of a very busy semester, I have had to spend a lot of hours over the past several weeks getting my forthcoming book past the finish line (I received the page proofs a few days ago, so the finish line is in sight), and I’m getting older. I’ve seriously considered suspending this blog recently, but have chosen so far to keep it moving forward. Your comments are welcomed

Yesterday morning Jeanne forwarded a link to me with a few minutes from a recent interview that Anderson Cooper did with Stevn Colbert on CNN a little while ago. It focuses on grief and working through the difficult things that life hands us. Colbert is a person of deep Catholic faith that obviously has shaped his life, including his conviction that sometimes what life hands us cannot be summarily dismissed by platitudes about God’s greater plan or everything happening for a reason. It’s a thoughtful and insightful conversation–I share it in the hope that there might be some readers for whom it might be particularly timely. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

"Sounds like he was a great mentor and friend and how fortunate you were to ..."

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"Apologies for any confusion. The fault is mine, I am sure. I wasn't attempting to ..."

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"I removed your other post because it was entirely inappropriate for this remembrance. There are ..."

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"Deepest condolences on the loss of your friend--and please understand that I mean those condolences ..."

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