Everyday is (Earth) Mother Day

Everyday is (Earth) Mother Day May 15, 2024

Everyday is (Earth) Mother Day

Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to say, “thank you.” Thank you is the perfect way to rebuild or maintain already existing relationships. For those with daily devotional practices, especially if those practices include the Earth Mother, they should be used to thanking her daily for her bounty.

For those with living Mothers, while you may have called them on Mother’s Day, make sure to call them today. Call them to say “hello;” call them to say, “thank you,” just give them a call.

My mother suffered in recent years from memory issues, and she lived in a Senior Living facility in a memory care unit. I would talk to her once again, via Facetime, and, while the conversations were not of great depth or significance, they represented a way of staying connected.

Before my father’s passing, after my parents had gone into a Senior Living facility where they would spend the end of their days, I would call them daily. The daily telephone calls were a way to keep the connection alive, to see how they were doing, and just to hear their voices.

Thanks to the longevity of telephone messages, I can still hear my parents’ voices on recordings and while it represents a space in time, it is nice to hear that sound once again. For that, years down the road, I reach out to them and say, “thank you.”

Maintaining relationships

This was not so much building relationships but maintaining existing relationships. It kept an ongoing dialogue, regardless how mundane or banal, because we are all mundane and banal from time to time.

When my father passed, my mother’s memory slowly deteriorated over a prolonged period, and our daily conversations began to be fewer and fewer until they were weekly Facetime calls at 2pm., Eastern time, every Friday. I looked forward to it.

These phone calls served an important function. They extended the continuity of our long-standing relationship. My mother did not always recognize me as Jean, her son, but often saw me as one of her brothers, although I do not think I looked like them at this point in my life.

What was important was not the specific relationship, but the relationship in general. Just by speaking, we had something in common. I did not have to meet my mother again for this to happen. She had been there all along. Even now, after her passing, she is still there. Present, yet different.

The Earth Mother

This same situation exists with the Earth Mother. Whereas with other entities, such as the Shining Ones or Ancestors that we never specifically knew, we need to build that relationship for the first time, we have been aware of the Earth Mother, or perhaps “Mother Nature” since we were very young.

We walk on the Earth Mother’s shoulders every day, and we are sustained by her daily. She is an amazing ally because whether we acknowledge her, ignore her, or treat her poorly, she will continue to sustain us for all our days. For such an entity of such great generosity and nurturing, how can one not say, “thank you”? She gives and she gives. Let us give something back.

Making offerings to the Earth Mother is an interesting exercise because truly, she has everything. While I think that for a living entity like the Earth Mother, the gift of water is an excellent offering. While the water will soak into the soil and eventually join with the waters deep in the Earth (Mother), it is the gift of life, or the waters that bring life.

One can even thank the Earth Mother by touching the ground and saying, “thank you, Earth Mother. One can offer their thanks by thinking loving thought for the Earth Mother. One may even clean up a small stretch of this blue-green world to do your part to keep the Earth Mother pristine.

Every day is Earth Mother Day

Every day is (Earth) Mother Day, because every is a gift from the Earth Mother to everyone. As those who follow the virtue of Hospitality, let us thank the Earth Mother today for the countless gifts and blessings. We can offer our blessings and our thanks in return.

We can give blessings so that we may receive blessings in return. And, with the Earth Mother, we know that it is always the case.


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