Looking Back, Looking ‘Round

Looking Back, Looking ‘Round December 31, 2024

Looking Back, Looking ‘Round

                Many people take the end of the civil calendar as a time to look back over the past twelve months. This takes a very linear view of the passage of time. Myself, I prefer to look at the past four seasons to look around, and not just to look back.

                There is no question that we move forward in our understanding of time. The serial succession of days follows from one to another in our three-dimensional time frame. I believe, however, that a cyclical view of time is more relevant to those of us who follow a more nature-based spiritual path.

                When we honour the passage of the season, it is rarely viewed as “we honour the Winter Solstice 2024”. It is instead “we honour the Solstice”. The Spirits of Nature go through their annual cycles of birth, growth, blossom, fruition, harvest, diminish, and death, and then return to renew the cycles again.

                This does not mean that we are immune to loss, as others pass away while we move through the cycles. Their loss is felt in the most profound manner. Even if we believe in reincarnation, that we will meet again is no buffer again we will not see them again this time.

A question of perspective

                To a mundane observer, one could easily say what did we do this past year and what we will do next year. These passages through time are delineated by very measurable markers, such as days, weeks, and months. This information can then be listed in a timeline from beginning to end.

                To a person who maintains a spiritual practice, the more appropriate questions may very well be “what will I do differently through the next cycle of seasons” or “what will I continue again as the seasons pass by again.” This approach suggests a continuity of practice that not everyone adheres to.

                Since I maintain a daily practice, I notice that over time, my practice is enhanced or added onto. In this way, I can say, I added this to my practice, and it will continue onward into the future. The passage of time is consumed in an enhanced practice, wherein what was once the practice has now grown into an additional form.

                I engage in my daily practice, using many categories. What was done in the last winter solstice season has now grown with more individuals and entities now called to daily. The category of family has grown to be more than legal relations, but those that mean the most to me. Some of the individuals in my life have passed, and my list of Ancestors in my workings has grown as well.

Enough on theory, onto practice.

                I often say that one of the two great forces at work in the universe is the cyclical nature of reality. Much like the season and the orbits of the planets, we revisit many places, events, and people in our lives. Or they in us. Armed with this knowledge, we come to understand that in many ways, this too shall pass. We may pass this way again. The Earth assuredly will.

                For some of the events of the past year, I had anticipated, prayed, for a different outcome. Some came to fruition, others yielded to disappointment. I like to believe that I am an optimist, and I will believe in better days ahead and I will work towards that eventuality as well.

                When I took my Clergy Oath in 2011 for ADF, one of the things I pledged to do was to continue my studies, and that I have done, both within ADF, and in the broader world. I completed a master’s degree and am working on a PhD. Laurels are for wearing, not for resting upon.

Moving forward, continued

                I continue to mentor students, and I find this immensely rewarding. While they may learn from me, I assuredly learn from them. It is a beautiful and powerful reciprocal relationship. Therefore, I will continue to write and to put my thoughts on paper and on molecules.

                There were blessings in my travels this year and my trips to Germany, Wales, Ireland, and England were great learning experiences. I took an amazing Druid journey with the Anglesey Druid Order (thank you, Kristoffer), and made many friends and acquaintances along the way.

                I believe in being open to new people and new experiences and the blessings I have received from new friends and their presence in my life is beyond compare. By the Gods, I have been fortunate beyond measure to have found inspiration to write like I have never written before, and I am eternally grateful.

                I have seen the cycles of the seasons pass by. If the Gods are kind, I will see them pass again. I will revel in the knowledge that I have traveled these paths before and that those paths remain. And I acknowledge that at the end of my days, the cycles will continue to turn, blessed by the Earth Mother, and the Gods and Spirits and Ancestors in this world.

                I will remember, this year, having walked on so many different lands. The Earth Mother is like a meadow full of flowers, constantly unfolding, constantly changing, and constantly providing.

                I am blessed to live in a world of bounty, again.


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