7 Quick Takes Friday — Library Edition

7 Quick Takes Friday — Library Edition March 12, 2010

** 1 ** I have now finished my second week of employment at the library. I really like the job so far; 15 hours per week, weekday mornings/early afternoons, so I can be home in time to make dinner before Atticus gets home. As I mentioned last week, it’s a more physically demanding job than I realized it would be, and my arms and legs are getting a pretty sweet workout three days a week.

Since I’m staring at a large pile of books on my coffee table, I think I’ll dedicate this 7QT to the books/movies I’ve recently acquired via the library.

** 2 **

I regret to inform that I have only watched Sense and Sensibility for the first time yesterday. *hangs head in shame* I laughed, I cried, I found myself liking Elinor much more than Marianne, which surprised me. I enjoyed it so much, that while I still have it (2 more days!) I’m going to make Atticus watch it with me tonight. He would never admit it, but I don’t think he’ll mind; he liked Pride and Prejudice.

The other movie I checked out was The Informant! with Matt Damon in the based-on-a-true-story of the highest-ranking corporate whistle blower in the US. It might be hilarious, or awful. I’m taking a gamble here. The commercials for it last fall made me laugh, so I hope it’ll be good. Have any of you seen it? Thoughts?

** 3 **

I have also found several new mysteries at the Library.

The Sunday Philosophy Club – by Alexander McCall Smith. He is noted for writing the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency books. The SPC is the second series he has taken on. The protagonist is a woman named Isabel Dalhousie, who lives in Scotland. She is the unmarried editor of the Journal of Applied Ethics, and eschews moral relativism with every fiber of her being. You can imagine I am hooked! All of her mysteries somehow involve philosophical matters, and she is always using philosophy to try and help others.

There are six books in the series. I’ve been listening to them on cd while I do things around the house and make dinner, etc. I find it much better than having the tv on in the background. I’ve “read” the first three books in the series: The Sunday Philosophy Club; Friends, Lovers, Chocolate; The Right Attitude to Rain. I have the fourth book The Careful Use of Compliments in print form and on the docket.

Agatha Christie’s The Hollow is also in my pile. It’s a Poirot mystery in which a doctor is murdered by his pool, seemingly by his wife. Poirot was on his way over to tea and discovered the scene. He believes the wife to be innocent, and sets out to prove what happened. Agatha is always solid.

Finally, for those of you who like DaVinci Code-esque books (intrigue, mystery, deception, the Vatican) but without that steaming side dish of heresy, look no further! The Third Revelation by Ralph McInerny (creator of Fr. Dowling mysteries!) is part of his new series The Rosary Chronicles. The Third Revelation involves a retired CIA guy coming to the Vatican to investigate the murder of a Cardinal, a priest, and a security guard. Someone has stolen the mysterious third secret of Fatima from the Vatican Archives. Mr. McInerney, who is an orthodox to the max professor at Notre Dame, is a much better writer than Dan Brown, and doesn’t slander God while he’s at it. Highly recommended.

** 4 **

I got out Christopher West’s Theology of the Body for Beginners for a little brush up on my TOB reading I haven’t really read anything TOB related since last summer, so I figured I’d check out this basic text and review it again. I’m especially excited about the chapter on “Sharing the TOB in the New Evangelization”.

Also on the Catholic front, I took out Kimberly Hahn’s book on Catholic Homeschooling, Catholic Education: Homeward Bound. I know, I know, I don’t even have kids yet, it’s a bit early huh? To be honest, I don’t even know for sure that I will homeschool. But for some reason, I love reading about it. I think it must be the teacher in me. I love reading about the different models/schools of thought on homeschooling. I may not read the whole thing, but I will at least peruse it.

** 5 **

I know I said that I’ll never be a runner. I won’t ever be “a runner”.  But I am signed up for a 5k in October (the same day Atticus is running his first MARATHON), and I’d like to not walk the whole thing. I’d like to be able to jog part of it and not die.

So, I have found Running for Mortals by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield. It gives a ton of information about running, how to do it right so you don’t get injured, etc. They have a helpful 10 week plan to get ready to walk-run a 5k. That’s me!

I started it last week, but ran (haha!) into a problem. I used their recommended workout of alternating jogging and walking for 30 minutes. I felt fine, but then spent the next three days working at the library, doing roughly 30-40 squats per day. My leg muscles are not used to all that exercise, so by the end of the week, my legs were so sore I could barely walk. No more running.

I think I need to wait until my body is used to the muscle movements of shelving (which might take another week or so) and then try again to start the program.

It’s a worthwhile book though, for anyone interested in running.

** 6 **

The next two books are not normally the kind of thing I’d pick up, but I was intrigued. If you’ve read either book, let me know!

A Perfect Mess by Lisa Harper. Ms. Harper uses the psalms to talk about how “God remains our biggest champion, even when we don’t feel anywhere close to holy.” I thought it seemed worth a look.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen Covey. I dislike using the word effectiveness to describe human relationships, but I’m assuming here he means of functional, healthy families? Anyway, I usually find stuff like this cheesy, but I flipped through it, and one of the main ideas seems to be family mission statements, which sounds like a good idea to me. So I’m going to give it a shot!

** 7 **

There you have it friends, my library adventures! I’ll leave you to start your weekend with this scene from Sense and Sensibility; I think my favorite one.

Happy Weekend!

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