January 30, 2009

1. I work for the Church; sometimes I love it, sometimes I don’t. One of the most wonderful things is that I can go to Mass everyday that I am in the office. The chapel is about five steps away from my cubicle. Having the ability to attend daily Mass is such a blessing of working for the Church. It’s made me realize the difference it makes when you have a priest who loves his vocation and what he is... Read more

January 29, 2009

I was surfing Amazon looking for books I can’t afford to buy yesterday when I found this: The Audrey Hepburn Collection. A boxed set of the following movies staring the goddess of charm, grace and style. 1. Breakfast At Tiffany’s 2. Roman Holiday 3. Sabrina 4. Funny Face 5. Paris When It Sizzles All of these for 28$. What a bargain! This is going to be a birthday gift to myself. 🙂 Read more

January 28, 2009

I found this idea at Betty Beguiles, but it originally came from Emma. What a wonderful way to add some cheerfulness and beauty to these winter months (especially for those of us who are having a Chicago winter!) Here are five things I am going to do this week to make my home more lovely.  1. Clean out the shower. Yuck. I have been avoiding this one for a few days, but it really needs it. And husband will appreciate... Read more

January 26, 2009

I very much desire this dress: I think it’s about time that the sailor theme was introduced to my life. The photo below my new favorite dress is the hat I just bought from www.vintagehatbox.com. I think, paired with the right cardigan, this could be an ideal Easter outfit. What do you think?         I I I     Read more

January 24, 2009

A guest post from Rena Black, a friend who is studying at Villanova, regarding the proposed “Freedom of Choice Act”. FOCA: Freedom to Choose Abortion To whom it may concern: I am an academic, an independent voter, a feminist, and a Catholic. Catholics as a whole are not single-issue voters. Theologically, they cannot be, because Catholic social teaching stubbornly refuses to be pigeonholed into conventional political camps. I am not a stereotype, and, for the purposes of this letter, I... Read more

January 23, 2009

As I’m actually at work, and coming up with quick-takes in between tasks – thus the five instead of 7.  1. I am making a concerted effort to write – something- everyday. I really feel that God is calling me to write; to use my talent, meager as it is, for his glory. To this end, Eric has bought me a “writer’s chair”, which is a cushy tomato colored armchair which will be the main focus of my writing “nook”.... Read more

January 20, 2009

This is a wonderful, slightly ironic ad put out by the Fidelis Center for Law and Policy about our President. Given our president’s views on life, it can be seen a healthy dose of irony. But its a beautiful, well-done ad none the less.  Enjoy! I’ll be praying for the safety of our President, all the people in DC, and all the people about to be in DC to participate in the March for Life.    CatholicVote.com Posted using ShareThis Read more

January 19, 2009

I’m going to share just a short quote from St. John Chrysostom, which a wonderful, faithful couple I know through work sent to us as part of our wedding gift. It’s so beautiful, it bears repeating. Thanks Nick and Christine! “When two become one in Christ, their love can enable them to transcend any limitations imposed by the world. Dependent on their spiritual gifts, either one may teach the other, and both together may fill their common life with as... Read more

January 17, 2009

I’m going to be blunt. Sometimes its very hard for me to care about poor people. It’s harder to care, and let my own feeling of powerlessness and ineptitude overwhelm me, than it is to just harden my heart to what others suffer. Now, you’d think being a student of ‘social justice’, I would have a better skill set for dealing with this problem. I don’t. The program I am currently in has done an excellent job of pointing out, in... Read more

January 10, 2009

So I haven’t written anything in just about a month. Because in the past month I have done the following things: Finished finals and papers Mad, rushing wedding plans Flown home for Christmas Survived Christmas with my loco familia Mad, rushing wedding plans GOT MARRIED (January 3,2009) and now I’m in Mexico, sitting by the sea.  Life is very good. Today husband and I are going into downtown Puerto Vallarta to be tourists and to visit the Cathedral of Our... Read more

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