During the Sundays of Lent, live tweet using #sundaywisdom. We can create a Lenten polyphony of insight rolling across Twitter, as an invitation to ponder and wonder what God is doing among us. Read more
During the Sundays of Lent, live tweet using #sundaywisdom. We can create a Lenten polyphony of insight rolling across Twitter, as an invitation to ponder and wonder what God is doing among us. Read more
Share 30 seconds of good news on a video and we will share it with others in the Cana ecosystem. Just shoot a video with your webcam or phone and send link to [email protected] or Tag CanaCast on Youtube http://bit.ly/1nbXu4u Read more
Over the past few months I have been grateful to be a part of a developing ‘network of networks’ called the CANA Initiative. CANA can be seen as a collective of faith-engaged organizations, individuals, institutions, and networks who are rooted in a generous Christian spirit, seeking to embody a new Christian ethos through: convening advocating networking and acting. I believe the time is right for people to come together to learn from each other, and to partner so that we each... Read more
CANA(Convening, Advocating, Networking, and Acting) has a group of four major initiatives to spearhead in the next year. These first four areas can be viewed as a bit of the origin story of CANA over the last nine months, but were clearly defined by participants at the CANA kick off meeting in November 2013 at the Washington Cathedral. The third initiative is the: College Age Initiative Goals: Facilitate engagement for college aged persons in Generous Christianity practice and service... Read more
Zern Liew is a strategic design consultant. I know of him because I spend a lot time thinking and writing about the interplay of Improvement, Innovation and Invention. And Zern writes about such things. In the area of design consultants the distinction of these three notions really matters. And, I think in the world of faith formation and cultural impact they also really matter. These three stages of creation take on different degrees of the creation process. They are all... Read more
CANA(Convening, Advocating, Networking, and Acting) has a group of four major initiatives to spearhead in the next year. These first four areas can be viewed as a bit of the origin story of CANA over the last nine months, but were clearly defined by participants at the CANA kick off meeting in November 2013 at the Washington Cathedral. The second initiative is the: Transformative Leaders Training Initiative Goals Connect with and inspire new generation of leaders Generate a collaborative environment... Read more
My friend Thom Olson is right. Thom is a really bright guy with experience as a theater director, seminary graduate, Chemical Dependency Counsellor and Post-prison Program Director. Thom says things like “my faith has been made so much better by spending time with and learning from liars, cheaters and convicts”. Spend any time with Thom and you will hear him say “We live in All-hands-on-deck moment in history”. Thom is right. Especially when it comes to what it will take... Read more
Christianity is at a turning point. A moment of transformation that many are predicting will be more monumental than that of the Great Reformation of the 16th Century. This reformation has been slowly bubbling over the past two decades and is finally coming to a boiling point where a new kind of Christian faith, and indeed, religious faith in general are beginning to reshape into something brand new. Some have called this new think “Emergence Christianity”, others “Convergence”, and many... Read more
Within Christianity today, there exists a multiplicity of ideas that have been labeled and are daily applied to the conversations we have, the people we speak to or know of, the sermons we hear and sadly, often the subconscious decisions we make concerning whom to love more fully. When we are engaged in a discussion about Christian faith and belief, we often have an idea in our heads about what we think the other person needs to say in order... Read more
CANA (Convening, Advocating, Networking, and Acting) has a group of four major initiatives to spearhead in the next year. These first four areas can be viewed as a bit of the origin story of CANA over the last nine months, but were clearly defined by participants at the CANA kick off meeting in November 2013 at the Washington Cathedral. The first of the four is the: Vital Spirituality Initiative ·Articulate a robust Generous Christian ethos that integrates spiritual vibrancy, theological... Read more