February 10, 2014

If I could write a script for an emerging network of collaboration across Christian groups nationwide — a network aimed to promote and publicize a more generous Christianity — I would focus on these seven outcomes: 1. By June of 2014, I would hope we have a sensible movement infrastructure composed of four well-functioning teams, each with clearly defined responsibilities, time and ethical commitments, learning and personal development objectives, and communication plans. Each team must include racial, regional, and denominational diversity:... Read more

February 6, 2014

CANA’s official birthing occurred just before Thanksgiving, 2013 at the National Cathedral in Washington. Neither the time nor the place could have been more appropriate. There had been, admittedly, a lengthy and tender gestation for many months prior to November, just as there had been an anxious and prayer-filled laboring process for some several weeks leading up to the birthing launch itself. So it was that, by Thanksgiving, 2013, CANA was safely birthed and, from the very beginning, created great... Read more

February 4, 2014

“If you have a new world, you need a new church. You have a new world.” (Brian McLaren, The Church on the Other Side) Many years ago I sent an essay on the crisis in the church to the Editor of Christian Century. He returned it with the comment, “That Christianity faces overwhelming challenges today is not news. We’re interested in solutions.” This blog series is about the solutions. Too many, from top denominational leaders to people in the pews, still seem... Read more

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