Does God Care If We Eat Healthy?

Does God Care If We Eat Healthy? November 5, 2023

Does God Care If We Eat Healthy?

s God Care if we eat Healthy
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

So, does God care if we eat healthy? As humans, we are responsible for taking care of our bodies. One way of doing this is by eating healthy. However, some people may wonder if God cares about the food we consume. Does He have any specific guidelines or instructions about what we should eat? In this article, I will explore this topic in-depth and try to answer these questions.

The Importance of Taking Care of Our Bodies

Before we dive into the topic of whether God cares about our diet, it’s important to understand why taking care of our bodies is essential. Our bodies are a gift from God, and we should treat them with respect and care. Eating healthy is one of the ways we can do that.

A healthy diet provides us with the nutrients we need to thrive. It can improve our physical and mental health, boost our energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. On the other hand, an unhealthy diet can lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

What Does the Bible Say About Food?

The Bible does not provide us with a specific list of foods that are acceptable or unacceptable to eat. However, it does mention certain guidelines and principles that we can follow.

For example, in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, God provides a list of clean and unclean animals that the Israelites were allowed to eat. This was done for hygienic and health reasons, not because certain animals were inherently bad or good.

In the New Testament, Jesus says that it’s not what goes into our mouths that defiles us, but what comes out of our hearts (Matthew 15:11). This means that what we eat is not as important as our attitude towards food and how we treat our bodies.

The Role of Self-Control and Moderation

While the Bible does not provide us with specific dietary guidelines, it does emphasize the importance of self-control and moderation. In Proverbs 25:16, it says, “If you find honey, eat just enough–too much of it, and you will vomit.” This verse highlights the importance of not overindulging in food or drink.

Similarly, in 1 Corinthians 9:27, Paul says that he disciplines his body and keeps it under control so that he will not be disqualified from the race. This verse encourages us to exercise self-control in all areas of our lives, including what we eat.

The Importance of Honoring God with Our Bodies

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that we should honor God with our bodies. This means that we should treat our bodies with respect and care, including what we eat.

Honoring God with our bodies also means that we should avoid any practices that could harm our bodies or lead us away from God. This includes overeating, consuming harmful substances, or engaging in other unhealthy behaviors.

Summing Up

In conclusion, while the Bible does not provide us with specific dietary guidelines, it does emphasize the importance of taking care of our bodies, exercising self-control and moderation, and honoring God with our bodies. Eating healthy is one way we can take care of ourselves and honor God with our bodies.

Ultimately, the decision of what to eat is up to each individual. However, we should strive to make choices that promote good health and honor God with our bodies. By doing so, we can live a more fulfilling and satisfying life, both physically and spiritually.


Here is a wonderfully healthy recipe for Roasted Rutabagas.


Roasted rutabagas are a delicious and healthy side dish. They make a great addition to any meal and are a perfect way to add variety and nutrition to your diet.  Enjoy!

Roasted Rutabagas


  • 1 whole rutabaga

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 4 Tablespoons Greek seasonings

  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard

  • Juice from a whole lime

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan


  1. Peel and large dice a whole rutabaga. In a large bowl, add the rutabaga, olive oil, Dijon mustard, lime juice, and Greek seasoning. Mix well.

  2. Spray a cookie sheet with food release and add the mixture onto the cookie sheet in one layer.

  3. Roast at 425 degrees F for about 40 minutes checking through the process for doneness. When a fork can easily be pierced into the flesh and removed, they are done. Time varies from oven to oven and also the size of the dice.

  4. Add cooked rutabagas to a large bowl and top with sea salt and the shredded cheese.

About Chef John Politte
I have dabbled in the culinary world for the last 40 odd years as a chef, bartender, bouncer, dishwasher, waiter, multi-level manager, teacher, media personality, food journalist, food photographer, online seasonings and spice shop curator, podcaster and cookbook author. I enjoy using my humor, wisdom, and experience to entertain and teach the curious among us. You can read more about the author here.
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