The Fascism of Madagascar 3

The Fascism of Madagascar 3 July 27, 2013

Even in its linguistic materialization outside of the French colony there is a disavowal of the product itself; mainly, due to the fact that those vendors who sale sparkling wine use the same exact name. Champagne itself presents one who holds such a thing as either sophisticated or somehow having an economic social standing above others. It sustains the bourgeois and proletariat divide quite distinctly by distorting commodified objects, such as: a drink, as an object of power. In this sense, sophistication is not only an economic category, but also one directly linked with the perversion of power and identity. If you hold the champagne glass then somehow you have ‘class’. Even the idea of ‘class’ as a separate social category is highly problematic in its vulgar dispensation for it relies upon the antagonism of the haves and have-not’s.

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