May 30, 2024

Israel’s massive attack on a tent encampment in Rafah targeted two Hamas leaders, but incinerated 45 mostly women and children in a location Israel had deemed safe. The damage control began almost immediately. Let’s unpack. THE LIE: Reuters reports: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the strike had not been intended to cause civilian casualties. “In Rafah, we already evacuated about 1 million non-combatant residents,” he said in a speech to Israeli legislators. Netanyahu continued, “[D]espite our utmost effort not to... Read more

May 27, 2024

CNN reported on Sunday’s horrors in Rafah for a few excruciating hours, then veered quickly to a new, more comforting headline: “Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Sunday’s deadly Israeli airstrike on a Rafah camp had gone tragically wrong.” Other mainstream media performed a similar sleight-of-hand (if the news cycle ever slows down, I’ll show you a few examples). Alternative news outlets, instead of soothing the consciences of pro-Israel evangelicals, are still covering the actual incident, and the world’s outrage.... Read more

May 23, 2024

The rule of law, appropriately applied (that is, equally across the board) keeps us from chaos. But when some think they are above the law, the rest pay dearly. Gaza is a case in point. So you probably heard that on Monday, the International Criminal Court announced that it would be seeking arrest warrants for the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant. Prosecutor Karim Khan has reasonable grounds to believe that these two... Read more

May 19, 2024

We think we know the deal with Hamas and human shields – we think we know all there is to know about Hamas. Where did we get this information? Are we sure it is true? Because Hamas has been labeled a “terrorist organization,” it’s easy to believe that they are monsters, capable of doing all kinds of horrible things. We were told very early in the conflict that Hamas members had baked babies in ovens, cut open pregnant women, and... Read more

May 14, 2024

The US is shelling out a fortune to get humanitarian aid to Gaza and providing billions in military aid to Israel. And our leaders inform us that Israel and the US have “shared values.” I don’t know about you, but these are NOT my values: On Monday May 13 in the Palestinian West Bank, close to 100 Israeli settlers blocked a convoy of aid trucks that were headed for Gaza. They then dumped the contents of the trucks on the... Read more

May 6, 2024

Grace-Colored Glasses has experienced a revolution in the past few months. Maybe you haven’t even noticed, but Grace-Colored Glasses has been on hiatus. While I was away, I thought about you, faith community, every single day. I started writing exclusively about Gaza on October 7th, when Hamas fighters broke out of “prison” and attacked Israel. By October 8th, I had determined to write exclusively about Gaza until the war ended. Understandably, much of the world was horrified by the events... Read more

March 18, 2024

It’s relatively easy to report on the news in Gaza: this is today’s death toll, that is the number of injured. This hospital is under attack, that university campus was blown to smithereens. Here is a genocidal statement from a high-ranking member of Israel’s government, there is brutal attack on a humanitarian aid delivery. The percentage of Gazan homes destroyed, the percentage of Gazan children with acute malnutrition, the number of days people have been eating animal feed or bird... Read more

March 13, 2024

Just because you have a pulse and you inhale and exhale, doesn’t necessarily mean you are truly alive. Below is a simple test that will tell you whether your inner self is alive – the part of you that connects with the human race and the universe. This is a 3-part test. In Part One, you will look at a chart for a few seconds – just long enough to understand its message. In Part Two, you will read several... Read more

March 7, 2024

reposted with permission from If Americans Knew (View VP Harris’ full Bloody Sunday anniversary speech here.) VP HARRIS: What we are seeing every day in Gaza is devastating. We have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed, women giving birth to malnourished babies with little or no medical care, and children dying from malnutrition and dehydration. This is absolutely true. The people in northern Gaza have been almost entirely without food or water since January. VP HARRIS: As I have said... Read more

March 4, 2024

Ok, boys and girls. Roll up your sleeves. We have a job to do. We have a war to stop. I do not say this lightly. It’s great that millions of people have turned out for pro-Palestine, pro-ceasefire marches – but it’s not enough. It’s impressive that Democrats in Dearborn, Michigan cast their votes last week for nobody at all rather than Joe Biden – but it’s not enough. It’s legitimate to feel angry about the 30,000+ Gazan death toll... Read more

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