February 7, 2024

Western “civilization” has been on display in all its gory (not a misspelling) for the past four months, with no end in sight. It’s shameful beyond words. The allegedly civilized societies of the United States, Europe, and the de facto Western nation of Israel have demonstrated their priorities – and it is not a good look. Those of us – on both sides of the aisle – who buy into the “West is best” paradigm need to do some serious... Read more

February 4, 2024

Below is a rough translation of a voice message we got recently from our nephew Musa, after way too many days of silence. That silence was especially frightening for us since we knew the family were in Khan Younis, which had suddenly become the epicenter of the fighting and bombardment. Of course, nothing can compare to the fear they felt during those days. (If you’re not familiar with the circumstances of this story, you can catch up in a few... Read more

February 2, 2024

I struggle to find time to write for Grace-Colored Glasses these days. I spend almost every waking hour reading and researching, fact-checking and reporting about the situation in Gaza. In between, I stay in touch (when possible) with family living there. When I do manage to get away from the grind and sit down to write for this blog, I find that my soul is in tatters. I’m truly at a loss for where to even begin. I’ve started dozens... Read more

January 26, 2024

  We are all about babies today. Babies and toddlers. Because what’s not to love about children. They are innocent and energetic, joyful, and loaded with potential. With some exceptions. Israeli leaders have declared, “it is an entire nation that is responsible,” and “all of Gaza should be erased” and “there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza” and “Now we all have one common goal—erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.” Below are the names of just some of the... Read more

January 23, 2024

In my last post, I mentioned the concept that the massacre in Gaza might not be a political issue, and indicated that we would explore that possibility today. That will have to wait, so that I can update you on our family. Folks, I realize that probably very few, if any, of my readers are supporters of Israel. I know I’m most likely preaching to the choir. But you, the choir, have audiences that I could never reach. It’s up... Read more

January 21, 2024

Gaza has been under a near total communications blackout for over a week. Can you imagine going eight days without the smart part of your cell phone? No Siri, no weather app, no texting, no WhatsApping…all of those things that connect us to the world around us. Occasionally, someone will find a faint signal – I don’t understand how that works. Maybe it’s a miracle. In Gaza lately, people have been using their phones mostly as flashlights. When there is... Read more

January 19, 2024

As people of faith living in a land of relative prosperity, it’s hard for most of us to imagine what it’s like to be living in unrelenting crisis. Here, in conversation with Michael Camp at Spiritual Brewpub, I do my best to describe the indescribable: the situation in Gaza, and what my husband’s family is experiencing as they simply try to escape bombing and get something to eat. The people of Gaza now face the possibility of death by bombing... Read more

January 16, 2024

This is very hard to write about. I can’t even believe it’s happening. I will try to express some of what I’m feeling, and I hope it comes out coherent. I hope it will help us see better the horror of what is happening right before our eyes. This weekend marked 100 days since the start of Israel’s war against the captive the people of Gaza. Our president, Joe Biden, made a solemn statement to mark the horrific milestone. In... Read more

January 15, 2024

Musa sent me part of his diary that he started keeping when the war began. He gave me permission to share excerpts with you, in hopes that, if he doesn’t survive, he won’t be forgotten. He is grateful for your concern. Musa thinks about his own demise, although he is only about 25. This in itself is a tragedy. Why should a healthy young man expect that any day might be his last? All of the young men of Gaza... Read more

January 8, 2024

Palestinian cuisine is fabulous and bounteous. My mother-in-law, God rest her soul, was a first-rate cook, and I had the privilege of eating her home cooked meals for several years. This is a culture that appreciates good olive oil, fresh herbs, and well-seasoned dishes. But what to do when you live under constant bombardment, the shops are empty, the fresh produce markets have been reduced to rubble, and there’s no money anyway to buy food if it was available? Human... Read more

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