Society constantly reminds us of how imperfect we are. Whether it is social media showing successes and what perfect looks like or advertisements offering ways to fix our flaws to make us better, richer and more physically appealing. It starts at a very young age when we are taught what behaviors and sizes are acceptable or even desired.
It’s important to know that there is no true perfection. You were uniquely created for a purpose. You were gifted unique innate talents that you can develop into strengths to truly live that purpose. God created you not to be perfect, but to be perfectly you! Together, let’s uncover how imperfections make us each perfectly fabulous!
Embracing Imperfection in a World of Perfection
Society pushes us to be “perfect.” It starts at a young age with parents and teachers instructing us how to conform to what is “best” or at least “acceptable.” TV advertising focuses on fixing imperfections. We are even told what jobs or careers to embark on to match the world’s view of success. Now, we also have ads right on our cell phones, informing us how to be thinner, better looking, younger looking, smarter and how to get more money! The impact is deadly to self-esteem.
You are Beautifully Flawed Yet Fabulous
Let’s consider the concept of being beautifully flawed, as designed by God, and how imperfections can be seen as strengths in disguise. God created us to need one another. We were not meant to live life alone. He has given us differing strengths just as 1 Corinthians 12:12 states, “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ.” ( One part is just one part, but many parts make a whole.
From a faith-based perspective, we need to embrace our flaws as part of God’s plan for personal growth. He provides people in our life or people to cross our path to help us grow and work together. We have opportunities to see the gifts in others so that we can work together while lifting each other up. Networking often helps to further this initiative.
Faith and Self-Acceptance leads to Flawed Yet Fabulous
Faith can be a source of comfort, acceptance, and self-love. The Bible teaches us that God knew us before we were born. Jeremiah 1:5 reads, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” ( We were chosen for a purpose by God when He appointed us, perceived flaws and all. Psalm 139:14 states, “I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.” (
Remember that life is a faith journey. Spiritual growth, as well as personal growth, requires self-acceptance. You must love yourself and to do that, you must know yourself. Embracing your strengths creates a strong foundation for embracing your imperfections as well. Knowing that you were created to need other people is quite comforting. You do not have to be everything!
Discovering Unique Strengths with CliftonStrengths®
We were never created to be perfect, only to be perfectly designed for our purpose. Our flaws, quirks, and unique talents are not mistakes; they are intentional gifts from God, woven into our being to fulfill His plan. CliftonStrengths® helps us see this divine design more clearly, revealing that what we often perceive as weaknesses are simply strengths in their raw, undeveloped form. Moses doubted his ability to lead as in Exodus 4:10-12, “Moses, however, said to the LORD, “If you please, my Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor now that you have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and tongue.”
The LORD said to him: Who gives one person speech? Who makes another mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go, I will assist you in speaking and teach you what you are to say.” ( God used his humility and perseverance, our perceived shortcomings are often the very qualities God refines for His purpose.
When we embrace our God-given strengths, whether in executing, influencing, building relationships, or strategic thinking, we stop striving for an unattainable version of perfection and start living fully in the strengths God entrusted to us. Psalm 139:14 reminds us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” not because we are flawless, but because we are divinely crafted, imperfections and all. By recognizing and leaning into our strengths, we move beyond self-doubt and into the confidence that we are already flawed yet fabulous, exactly as God intended.
Aligning Strengths and Purpose Through Faith
The CliftonStrengths® “assessment measures your unique talents — your natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving — and categorizes them into the 34 CliftonStrengths themes.” ( This assessment is a great starting point in learning just who God created you to be. Although you were gifted with these innate talents, it is up to you to understand them, embrace them and utilize them for more confidence in following a purpose-driven path. Use your strengths in areas of service, community involvement, and personal fulfillment, aligning these actions with faith. Also knowing that you are flawed yet fabulous, you were not created to do it alone. Connect with people whose strengths compliment your flaws and vice versa. Together we are better. We are created to rise together. Working with a coach will help you uncover your talents and aim them for success!
Living as Flawed Yet Fabulous
Living as authentically you and embracing your strengths with confidence, will help you to live a more joy filled life of purpose. I encourage you to view your “imperfections” as a divine part of your journey.
Self-love, acceptance, and trusting in the unique purpose created for you by God, will provide you with comfort, joy and the freedom to be the you that God created you to be. Embrace any perceived imperfections as opportunities to connect and work with other people who are also flawed yet fabulous. Now, GO BE YOU!!