A Season of Mystery

A Season of Mystery December 28, 2012

A few months ago, my mother-in-law asked me to write her a book. She’s facing issues now as a “mature mom” that, frankly, she could use some support with.

I’m not exaggerating: I found the request impossible. I’m well outside my experience, for one thing!

Thankfully, one of my favorite writers tackled the topic and wrote a book that I can now freely share and endorse: A Season of Mystery: 10 Spiritual Practices for Embracing a Happier Second Half of Life, by Paula Huston.

As I did with her Lent book, I read this book mostly in one evening. I couldn’t put it down.

Huston writes honestly and candidly, in a way that not only engages the reader, but that also plants itself within you. I’ve been thinking about various aspects of what I’ve read for days now.

I’ve always had a soft spot for the elderly, but now I think I have a deeper appreciation for the challenges that come with aging and changing seasons in life. I have a number of “mature mom” friends, and I cherish their wisdom; it hasn’t occurred to me that I support them in their struggles even as I share my own!

I won’t be in my second half of life for a while, but many people I know and care about will be (or are). This book is topping my list of resources to share and reread myself as I support them.

Highly recommended.

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