Good Books to Give for Christmas

Good Books to Give for Christmas December 13, 2012

I owe a longer review for most of these. However, I wanted to mention these in case anyone has been wondering whether they were good.

Catholicism: Pure and Simple by Dwight Longenecker
Here’s the blurb I have on Father Longenecker’s promo page. Easy to read, compelling, logical … this is a fantastic book.

“I don’t know quite how Father Dwight Longenecker did it, but his simple book begins with modern doubts about God’s existence and winds up at Catholic teachings about Mary, Purgatory, Heaven, and Hell.”

Angels All Around Us: A Sightseeing Guide to the Invisible World by Anthony DeStefano
This book is really about the subtitle more than the title. Angels are a main feature (they are invisible after all) but this book made me vividly aware of the invisible battle and unending battle between good and evil, and our place in it. Very good.

The Doubter’s Novena: Nine Steps to Trust with the Apostle Thomas by Mike Aquilina and Christopher Bailey
I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned this book here before. Anything by Aquilina and Bailey is always worth reading. Fascinated me with the picture it paints of Christians in India, thanks to the apostle Thomas’s evangelization.

Three Minutes a Day (Vol. 47) from The Christophers
A big book of short essays with food for thought and inspiration. Here is their daily “three minutes” page where you can get an idea of what these are like. Disclaimer: I have a few essays in here. But I never saw them when I was flipping through the book and continually was fascinated by the other pieces I came across.

The Year of Faith: A Bible Study for Catholics by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
I was surprised to see only 6 lessons until I read through it and discovered the depth of information and thought through which Fr. Pacwa is guiding readers. If you’re looking for a thematic Bible study, this is a good one.

I’ll have more books to bring to your attention soon.

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