These Beautiful Bones

These Beautiful Bones November 26, 2013

Brace yourself, because I didn’t just love this book. I am not about to just expound about one of my favorite author’s genius lightly. No, when I call this book a modern masterpiece, I’m not exaggerating. I’m probably understating by a factor of 100.

If you’ve spent the last ten years watching “theology of the body” become a catchphrase and still not understanding it…

If the phrase “theology of the body” has you (a) rolling your eyes, (b) running in fear, or (c) puking in the toilet…

If you don’t even know just what in the world that phrase “theology of the body” means (and don’t really want to)…

This is the book for you.

If you love good writing, appreciate practical wisdom, and desire to grow closer to God, this is the book for you.

Stimpson has managed to make theology of the body something everyday, and by doing that, she’s made it accessible for even the most mundane and ordinary among us. She has taken the dust of our lives and the reality of our experience and woven a book that applies theology of the body to such as that.

In short, it is a brilliant book. Don’t believe me? Get a copy and prove me wrong. 🙂

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