10 Tips To Reconnect With Your Faith After A Brain Injury

10 Tips To Reconnect With Your Faith After A Brain Injury March 21, 2023

Journaling after brain injury
Journaling after brain injury
Ashlyn Ciara / Unsplash

Recovering from a brain injury is tough. After that kind of trauma, it can be hard to keep the beliefs you held so dear. You might wonder how you can keep trusting God after trauma or find hope after brain injury. 

Traumatic brain injury recovery can shake you up but there are ways to help. If you’re struggling to reconnect with your faith, here are ten things you can do.

1. Reconnect with Religious Leaders

If you’re struggling with faith, speaking with religious or spiritual leaders you trust can help you return to the beliefs and practices that mean so much to you. 

Leader’s who study holy and spiritual works can sometimes help you see things through a different perspective. They can also offer you advice on how to atart embracing your faith again when things seem hopeless. 

If one of your leaders visited you while you were unconscious or strongly medicated, you might not remember how your beliefs affected those moments of prayer and reflection. However, they can remind you of those moments. 

2. Talk with Loved Ones 

Reconnecting with loved ones can be the perfect gateway to embracing your faith. 

We grow up in communities of religious and moral beliefs where we can make each other stronger. If you share the same beliefs you were taught, speaking to loved ones about your struggles can help you navigate the roadblocks keeping you from embracing your faith. 

The people closest to you best know the struggle you went through during and after your injury. That level of understanding could give them the perspective needed to help you along your faith journey. They can remind you of all you accomplished and how their prayers for you were answered. 

3. Keep a Journal 

If it’s hard to focus on praying or engaging in spiritual activity, consider keeping a journal. You can choose to write prayers, poems or just what you’re grateful to have. 

After a brain injury, it’s normal to struggle with memory and concentration which can make connecting with your maker difficult. The inability to focus can lead to frustration, driving you further away from your faith. 

When you write down your thoughts , feelings and prayers, you can lreflect on them. Seeing your faith journey on paper can help you feel confident continuing to reconnect with your beliefs. 

4. Look Through Photos 

If you’re struggling to remember your beliefs or previous faith experiences, ask friends and family for photos of your baptism, first communion or other events that may bring those memories back or help you reconnect to the community around you. 

Even just images of you during peaceful moments can remind you of blessings you experienced in your life so far. 

The pictures can job your memory about thoughts, feelings and teachings. They could also serve as way to refamiliarize with your beliefs. 

5. Continue Seeking Healthcare 

There are many talented people out there that can help you through the healing practice. By treating your body and mind, you’ll be more able to cope with your condition and find positives in the people and progress you experience. 

Our bodies are beautiful creations and caring for them shows it and your maker respect. Simply taking care of yourself can be a way of showing love and respect for your beliefs. The better you mentally and physically feel, the more you will be able to concentrate on spiritual matters. 

Whether you need advanced medical care, like a halo or feeding tube or are struggling psychologically, reach out to a provider you trust to create the best recovery plan for you. 

6. Spend Time in Nature

Being in nature can help you reconnect with the world and embrace your beliefs once again. 

We  live in a beautiful world, and when people let you down, spending time around creation can remind you to be hopeful. 

Nature can help heal the mind and spirit and remind you of the everyday miracles happening within it. From butterflies breaking free of their cocoons to baby birds learning to fly, embracing the joy nature brings can help you rediscover it in your own life. 

7. Meditate 

Meditation is another way to clear and center your mind and spirit if it’s hard to pray or journal. 

It’s about focusing on your breath to relax and organize your thoughts and feelings. There are many free resources online that can guide you through meditation, making it easier than ever to get started. 

Regular meditation can help you regain control of mind, allowing you to implement other tasks later. 

8. Practice Mindful Eating 

Mindful eating is an easy way to practice gratitude. Our nourishment is a gift and by appreciating all of the steps involved in fueling your body, you can offer thanks to your creator. 

Appreciate the earth elements that the food comes from. Even if it’s from a factory, the basic elements involved in the food comes from organic material. 

Being grateful for each part of the manufacturing process can help you embrace your beliefs and guide your prayers. Saying a simple grace can help you feel cloer to your faith. 

9. Get Enough Rest 

A lack of sleep can stress your body and mind more, making it harder to find peace. By resting your body, you can feel stonger and more able to navigate your focus. 

Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night when healthy but recovery could require longer period of rest. By listening to your body and embracing its needs, you’ll be more able to participate in your faith activities. 

Speak to your doctor if you have concerns about fatigue or your ability to concentrate, so you can work on the best recovery plan for you. 

10. Give Yourself Grace 

It may take some time to feel hopeful again and that’s OK. A brain injury is a life-altering event that can shake you to your core. Be kind to yourself if you feel distanced from the beliefs and people you use to hold dear. 

Living a life of faith can be a rollercoaster and sometimes we feel more connected to it than others and that’s alright. 

Keeping the faith means that you know things will improve and you will be able to reconnect with it again. 

Reconnecting With Faith After a Brain Injury 

It can be hard to feel hopeful after a brain injury. The effects can shake your beliefs and cause you to disconnect from your beliefs. By going at your own pace and connecting with the right people and practices, you can reconnect to your faith. 

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