Puppy rescued from top of moving train

Puppy rescued from top of moving train October 26, 2011

This puppy was saved from the top of a moving train. (Click the image to see the news video.)

No one knows how a little puppy found his way to the top of Norfolk Southern train headed from Pennsylvania to Atlanta, GA but one thing is for sure: he’s one lucky pup.

According to news reports, Tina Parker of Pickens, SC spotted what she thought was trash on top of a moving train as she waited at a stop light. Then the bundle moved and she realized it was a dog.

She called 911 and followed the train, which was eventually stopped to allow emergency personnel to climb atop to retrieve the bundle. Parker gladly took the pup, who appeared to be about 3 months old, home. Now part of the Parker family, the pup is named Boxcar Hunter – or Boxy, for short.

Don’t you just love an animal rescue story with a happy ending?

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