The Importance Of Black History Month Today

The Importance Of Black History Month Today February 3, 2025

Hildabast: Black History Month Montage / Wikimedia Commons

Not only is it troubling at how much the Trump administration has done in its short time back in power to destroy the integrity and legacy of the United States in the world, it is extremely disturbing that the media is not doing all it can to reveal this fact and help make sure the people of the United States know what is going on. How many people realize all the violations of the Constitution and basic human rights we have seen in the last two weeks?  In just a few days, Trump has transformed the United States into the enemy of the world, threatening to take the Panama Canal and Greenland (and potentially Canada, Mexico, and other sovereign countries). Trump has started a trade-war, promising to continue to add to it more and more of the United States allies (like the European Union), a trade war which will do nothing to help the people of the United States, but only isolate them from the rest of the world. Trump has even admitted that his policies are going to cause pain and sorrow to Americans, though he is trying to promise it is only going to be temporary;  he has not explained how that will happen, and he can’t, because  his policies will only make things worse as they deny basic principles which the United States used to stand for (even if the United States often violated them in the  past,  it still held them up and in doing so, put a limit on those violations).

Anyone with common sense, let alone expertise in matters on finance and international relations, should see what Trump is doing will only make things worse for the United States (and so better for those who want to see the United States destroyed from within, like Russia). The fact that he constantly changes his reasons for why he does what he does, such as the tariffs he placed upon Canada and Mexico, shows that he is all in for making a trade-war, using whatever excuse he can to convince his followers to go along with it: and it seems to be working, as they ignore the fact he said there is nothing Mexico and Canada could do to stop his tariffs on them (if he had a reason to impose them other than a desire to impose them, there would be a way to prevent those tariffs, but, as he said, the tariffs are not a bargaining tool, there is nothing Canada and Mexico can do, and so we can conclude what he wanted was to impose tariffs, and his justifications are just excuses to do so).

In the short time Trump has been in office, we now have unelected, unvetted, workers, doing what Musk tells them to do, going into government offices, stopping officials from working as they then take sensitive information from those offices, downloading all the data they can onto hard drives, data including private information of Americans. Musk and his workers say they have the authority to do this, but they do not; they do not even have a security clearance! They say they have total control, not only of the systems, but all that the government offices do, and that they can and will stop the funding of anyone they do not like. Who is stopping them? No one. Many of us are talking about it, hoping that in doing so, something will be done, but we need to do so much more, we need the right people to stand up and do something now.

Many Christians seem to be ignoring the constant threat which Trump and his associates have given to them. Already, we have churches being told they will be raided (and some have been raided), we are told their finances will be cut off (those used for corporeal works of mercy, such as Catholic Charities). Christians are called to help the stranger, that is, the foreigner, the poor, the oppressed, to stand up for them, to protect them and give them aid. Trump is saying they are not to do that. Christians have a choice, will they follow Scripture and the Christian tradition, or Trump, Vance, and their associates? They can’t serve both.

Now, we have entered into Black History Month, and we have seen, once again, the Trump administration doing what they can to undermine it. They want to call it racist to remember the past, to remember the heroic deeds of African Americans, and the struggles they went through in order to be free as well as to be shown basic human dignity. Some might think, with all that Trump is doing, what he is doing with Black History Month is a minor issue. However, it is not. Black History Month represents one of the things which Trump wants to destroy: our notion of history and what was done in the past, so we do not know of the way we can and should resist the injustices he is promoting.

Black History Month shows us the way the United States historically dehumanized peoples, and the way those peoples fought back and slowly won not only their freedom, but basic  human dignity, and they did so, often in and through their churches (which is why some of the greatest figures of the Civil Rights Movement were and continue to be Christian preachers, or leaders from other religious traditions). Christianity, properly followed, promotes the remembrance of the past. Christianity is a historical religion, it is incarnational, one which look to the evils of the injustices found in the world and sees that Christians must do what they can to overturn them and make for a more just world (doing so, of course, in cooperation with non-Christians also seeking justice in the world). Christians have a special way in doing so, thanks to Christ, for Christ said he is to be found in those who are being oppressed, tortured, and killed, indicating that those who work for the end of such oppression are doing so for him. If Christians are to follow Christ, they cannot be silent, they cannot accept the banality of evil; they must stand up and join themselves in solidarity with those being unjustly targeted and attacked. Black History Month gives us many examples of this from history, where we find how Christ was targeted in African American peoples, the way he was lynched with them. We learn, moreover, the way such injustices were justified: it was said that African Americans were lawless criminals who deserved whatever happened to them. Does that not resonate with Trump’s claims about immigrants today? We need to study and learn from the black experience, so we can learn how they dealt with the threat and came out victorious. But, it will also tell us, such victory is not going to be won easily; there will be all kinds of struggles and sacrifices which many of us will have to make until justice prevails. The struggles of the African American people in the past (and today) will be the struggles of all the poor, and middle class, in the United States if Trump and his associates are not stopped. No wonder Black History Month is deemed a threat to be silenced by Trump and his associates.

Today, we need Christian preachers speaking out for the sake of humanity, following the example of the Civil Rights Movement, instead of following the example of Christian nationalism, white supremacy, and the like as they stand in the way of justice and Christ’s promotion of the human dignity of  all. We need Christians to be reminded that the way of love as presented by Christ is to love God above all else, and in loving God, Jesus said, we are to love those in whom Jesus is to be found, in the poor and the oppressed, those who are being imprisoned and brutally tortured or killed. Any type of ordering of love which ignores this is not Christian, especially when it is being used to excuse hate and injustice. Too many Christians confuse selfishness for love.

It is time. Someone needs to do something. We cannot wait. I know I do not have the charisma or the leadership qualities, let alone the influence, to lead the resistance against the evils going on and which threatened to continue to grow all around us. But I am willing to be one of many voices speaking out like a voice in the wilderness, hoping that with enough voices, the right leaders will emerge, and emerge soon enough to prevent further harm and damage, not only to the United States, but to the world at large.

For years, after our victory against Germany, a victory which ended the Holocaust, we have said we will never allow such evil happen again. Did we mean it?  When we hear that Trump wants to house 30,000 at Guantanamo Bay , what is our response? To shrug, or to see that this is another sign that  Trump is following the same strategy and methodology which led to Hitler’s “final solution”? We must not let that happen. The media must not be complacent. They helped him get in power. They can help us or get out of the way. For today, we are at a crisis point, and we will be judged for what we do.


* This Is Part XL Of My Personal Reflections And Speculations Series


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N.B.:  While I read comments to moderate them, I rarely respond to them. If I don’t respond to your comment directly, don’t assume I am unthankful for it. I appreciate it. But I want readers to feel free to ask questions, and hopefully, dialogue with each other. I have shared what I wanted to say, though some responses will get a brief reply by me, or, if I find it interesting and something I can engage fully, as the foundation for another post. I have had many posts inspired or improved upon thanks to my readers.

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