November 25, 2020

TThe Temple of God held the presence of God within, which is how and why, among its many important features, it can be understood, not only as something important in and of itself, but also foreshadowing (through typology) Mary, the Mother of God, who conceived and carried within her womb Jesus, the Word of God.[1] Likewise, Jesus called his own body a temple (cf. Jn. 2:21), because he was the Spirit-bearer, the Christ.[2] Christians, being incorporated into the body of Christ... Read more

November 23, 2020

No one is self-made. No one establishes themselves in the world without the help of others. Society comes together with people doing different jobs, different tasks, and no one who claims to be self-made has achieved their success all by themselves. They might have done a few things well, but that is all; for everything else, they still rely upon others. How many people grow their own food? How many collect and purify all the water they drink?  How many... Read more

November 22, 2020

Through baptism, we have been incorporated into the body of Christ. Joining in with Christ, we are called to share in his work. He entered the world to help us all. He serves us out of love; now, we are expected to live in the world, serving others like he did, and do so out of love. This is how we are to follow Paul’s words and live a life worthy of the promises which we received: I therefore, a... Read more

November 19, 2020

It is undeniable that so many Christians have tied themselves with Donald Trump because they have been led to believe it is a Christian duty to do so by various Christian leaders. They believe in Trump. They believe he is their savior, which is why when Eric Trump said his father literally saved Christianity, they nodded in agreement. This is also why they want to hold on to the notion that Trump won the election, because they came to believe... Read more

November 18, 2020

Often, those who write on or discuss the need for government to work for the common good, that is, those who write on social justice, are told that charity should be not regulated by the government. That is, they are told that we should be free to choose for ourselves whether or not we will be charitable. Of course, the problem is that such a response confuses charity with justice. It suggests that many defects of justice can only be... Read more

November 17, 2020

We easily become creatures of habit, turning habit into tradition and thinking such tradition must never be altered once it has been put in place. Reality, however, requires us to act in accordance to the way things are today, not the way they were in the past. We must deal with the problems of the present and not just assume the solutions of the past will work for us today. We should, of course, learn how people dealt with problems,... Read more

November 15, 2020

Jesus came to bring us peace, the peace which breaks down the barriers of sin. Sin fractures the common bonds of humanity, and so creates discord within humanity. We, humanity, indeed, all of creation is meant to be one even as God is one. We are called to love one another, so that through such love, the relative distinctions which exist between persons do not end up becoming the source of bitter hostility and strife. We are to love one... Read more

November 12, 2020

The release of the McCarrick Report has revealed what has long been believed and understood:  sin and corruption not only affects the world at large, but it has likewise infected the earthly church, causing great scandal, but also great harm to many innocents within and outside the church.[1]  The church, even when it is called together by the grace of God, and through that grace, to bring God’s presence to the world, nonetheless has a dark side to it, a... Read more

November 11, 2020

The message of Christ is the message of hope. He brought us good news: God loves the world. He wants to share himself and his love with the world. Sin takes us away from God, but God is willing to forgive us, to work with us, to help us so that sin does not have the last word. Sin, because it takes us away from God, the source and foundation of our being, leads to death. Sin is nihilistic and... Read more

November 9, 2020

Christ, during his earthly ministry, found himself to be in the middle of a debate as to how the Jewish tradition, and therefore the practice of the Jewish faith, should and would continue in the future. Each of the various groups involved in the debate had some good associated with them. None of them were completely wrong. Jesus acknowledged this in the way he told his disciples to honor the “Seat of Moses” (cf. Matt. 23:2). Nonetheless, each of the... Read more

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