Doubting The Gospel of Thomas?

Doubting The Gospel of Thomas? September 7, 2023

IMAGE: Pexels

In our Bible Bonus Tracks podcast series over on Heretic Happy Hour, we interviewed expert Melissa Harl Sellew about the Gospel of Thomas to uncover the secret teachings of Jesus and why – or if – we should take this “lost” gospel seriously.

For those who don’t already know, the Gospel of Thomas was discovered at Nag Hammadi [Egypt] in 1945 along with several other lost Gnostic and Proto-Gnostic texts like The Gospel of Truth, The Gospel of Philip, and several others.

But, why was Thomas buried? Why was it seen as a threat to the proto-Orthodox Christians of the early church?

More importantly, do the new sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of Thomas come from Jesus, or are they forgeries?

Learn all of this and much, much more in this fascinating episode of Heretic Happy Hour.



BONUS: INSIDE/OUTSIDE: The Gospel of Thomas [Online Course] led by Keith Giles

Course22 Lessons

Curious about the Gospel of Thomas? This course will examine select sayings of Jesus from this text, and explain why it’s not a true “Gospel”, not truly “Gnostic” and yet, quite possibly, an authentic collection of the secret teachings from Jesus recorded by his disciples. Plus, an exploration of why the text was buried in 367 AD and uncovered in 1945.


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