Relaxing the Body, Mind and Being: Say Goodbye to Stress!

Relaxing the Body, Mind and Being: Say Goodbye to Stress! August 24, 2017

Here’s a special guest post, from Tina Jabr, which showcases ways to relax the body mind and energy. Tina has spent the past 12 years teaching yoga and meditation to several thousands of people across South Asia, Australia and the Middle East. You can get in touch with her through LinkedIn.

“Stress” has become the engine of a multi-billion dollar industry today. “Stress relief”, “stress busting” and “stress free” are bandied about by management leaders and consultants holding seminars on overcoming and subduing it. The trouble is, anxiety and stress are not ailments, so there is no way to “fight” them, in the traditional sense of the word. However, the bright side of the story is that by doing the right things with the body, mind and energy, stress and anxiety needn’t occur in the first place, paving the way for a more relaxed state of being.


The practice of meditation is a time-tested technique to experience a deeper sense of well-being. In recent times, a great deal of research has shown how meditation works to beat stress and eliminate tension. Isha Kriya is a great 12-18 minute meditation that can be done online, just by following a few simple instructions. There are also various other meditations one can try out at portals like UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center.

Mantras and Chants

The power of music is something that we get to see on a daily basis, either through a viral music video or a captivating advertisement. However, this is just a small offshoot of the power of sound, which has been used extensively in Eastern traditions for many centuries. Carefully prepared chants and mantras such as Brahmananda Swarupa have a power all their own, which work to stimulate nerve endings and bring a deeper coherence in the system, resulting in an immediate calming effect.

Even the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has conducted a series of tests on the power of chants, such as the Buddhist mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” and found that it produced significant results, especially in preventing burn-out among high-stress individuals.

Classical Music

Gregorian chant, the lilting lines of Mozart and the moving ragas of Indian classical music have all been the subject of various studies related to stress. One group of researchers that used the music of Gregorio Allegri as a test sample found that it helped people recover quicker from stressful situations. The key to appreciating and benefitting from classical music, especially Indian classical, is to pay attention to the sound rather than to the music. The arrangement of sounds within a specific rendition are designed to have a very powerful impact on a human being.


Whether it’s a trek on a mountain path or just a stroll through the park, getting in touch with nature can help us unwind and come to a more relaxed state of mind. It’s a great energizer, which helps people connect better with their surroundings and develop a greater sense of belonging, meaning and purpose in their lives.

Good Food

Splurging on your favorite foods can give you some short-term relief from anxiety, but it’s not a sustainable method to beat stress. Instead of going after comfort foods or becoming a calorie counter, being aware of what your body needs can set the basis for a more conscious living. Rather than deciding what you should eat based on what stimulates the tongue, including healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet has been shown to boost immunity, lower stress levels and bestow a greater sense of well-being.

Going on a vacation or taking time off for a massage in a spa may reduce stress levels in the short-term, but for all practical purposes, they are just a way of postponing the inevitable – unless we bring about a fundamental change in approach. So give these methods a try and get started on the road to ultimate well-being!

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