I got millions of dollars!

I got millions of dollars! April 28, 2016

ArchitectureI have to say that I am a lucky guy. I don’t know why, but there are so many people nowadays eager to give me millions of dollars. Yes, probably you have had the same experience. I receive email almost everyday from all parts of the world, letting me know that some relatives in Africa as left me a part of a heritage if only I can provide my email; or that someone ask me just to deposit in my bank account some millions of dollars with the promise to be able to keep a percentage of that; even the daughter of the former dictator Gheddafi is trying to reach me for weeks and weeks willing to share just with me part of the treasure of the late disgraced father. And what to say about those people who, knowing my newly acquired fortune, are asking me for help because they are finding themselves in some strange situations, all in the same part of the world (why I was not invited?) and now all of them are thinking I can be the one to help?

Do you think what I am saying is strange? It is not strange: it is internet scams. And I am wondering how many people really believe in this, because if no one believes there will be no reason to continue doing it. This make us reflect on the question of trust. Why we don’t believe in this people? Because it is highly unlikely that someone will write you an email to promise you millions of dollars out of the blue. What about the promise of eternal life? It seems also pretentious. But the difference is that faith is not a proposal out of the blue and is not irrational. Faith can be investigated, can be substantiated. It is Jesus that has invited us to give reasons for our hope. The highest way of experiencing God’s presence is the liturgy. In the liturgy, when it is not worldly and merely terrestrial, we can experience that supernatural Presence that make us to have a glimpse of eternity. C.S. Lewis has said: “If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning”.

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