The SPD hasn’t a prayer (parking a link)

The SPD hasn’t a prayer (parking a link) September 13, 2013

So Drudge had a link to this article on the German election, in which the head of the SPD (the Social Democrats, rivals to Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, and historically the large center-left party) poses for the Suedeutsche Zeitung giving the finger. Wow. Even my longtime SPD-supporting husband said yesterday they wouldn’t get his vote this time, were he still in Germany.

Now, I’m a big Merkel fan — and I admit that there’s a part of that which is due to her being a woman. Let’s face it, she and Maggie Thatcher are/were both light years ahead of Hillary Clinton in terms of ability, and in no way got to where they are/were due to any kind of tokenism, whereas large number of HRC supporters openly admit they want to see her as president in order to have a female president.

And the Telegraph, in the above article, links to a further article, profiling Merkel.

Hmmm . . . might be time to see if there’s a biography of her out in English, or if I can find a German one and push my German skills to their limit.

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